Crate exprtk_rs[][src]

This crate provides bindings for the ExprTk library.

For an overview of the data structures see the ExprTk main page. While exprtk-sys maps most functions of the library to Rust, the high level bindings were considerably simplified. Each Expression owns a SymbolTable, they cannot be shared between different instances, and multiple symbol tables per expression are not possible. Variables are owned by the SymbolTable instance. add_variable() returns an usize, which is a variable ID. This ID can be used to later modify the value Using set_value(). The same is true for string and vector variables.

Modifying a value is therefore more expensive than in C++. In a quick comparison, the performance loss varied between ~ 3% and 70% depending on the expression (see Using unsafe, value pointers can still be modified directly if desired (use get_value_ptr() to obtain them).

There may be a more idiomatic way to represent the whole API in Rust, but it seems difficult to me to integrate with Rust's concepts of lifetimes and mutable/immutable borrowing. Suggestions are of course welcome.

Since there is no guarantee that double is always f64, the c_double type is used all over the library. Other precisions are currently not supported.


This code corresponds to the example 1 in the ExprTk documentation:

use exprtk_rs::*;

let expression_string = "clamp(-1.0,sin(2 * pi * x) + cos(x / 2 * pi),+1.0)";

let mut symbol_table = SymbolTable::new();
let var_id = symbol_table.add_variable("x", 0.).unwrap().unwrap();

let mut expression = Expression::new(expression_string, symbol_table).unwrap();

let mut i = -5.;
while i <= 5. {
    expression.symbols().set_value(var_id, i);
    let y = expression.value();
    println!("{}\t{}", i, y);
    i += 0.001;

Unknown variables

Unknown variables encountered in an expression can be automatically added to the symbol table They will return a Vec containing the newly added variable names and their variable IDs. This works only for regular variables, not for strings or vectors.

use exprtk_rs::*;

let expr_string = "a*x^2 + b*x + c";

let mut symbol_table = SymbolTable::new();
let x_id = symbol_table.add_variable("x", 0.).unwrap().unwrap();

let (mut expr, unknown_vars) = Expression::with_vars(expr_string, symbol_table).unwrap();

    vec![("a".to_string(), 1), ("b".to_string(), 2), ("c".to_string(), 3)]

// modify the values
expr.symbols().set_value(1, 2.); // a
expr.symbols().set_value(2, 3.); // b
expr.symbols().set_value(3, 1.); // c
expr.symbols().set_value(x_id, 5.); // x

assert_eq!(expr.value(), 66.);


The string variables are not Utf-8 encoded like in Rust, but byte strings. They are still called 'string' variables in the API.

use exprtk_rs::*;

let mut symbol_table = SymbolTable::new();
let s1_id = symbol_table.add_stringvar("s1", b"Hello").unwrap().unwrap();
let s2_id = symbol_table.add_stringvar("s2",  b"world!").unwrap().unwrap();

// concatenation
let mut expr = Expression::new("s1 + ' ' + s2 == 'Hello world!'", symbol_table).unwrap();
// a boolean `true` is represented by `1`
assert_eq!(expr.value(), 1.);

// Modifying a string
expr.symbols().set_string(s1_id, b"What a");
assert_eq!(expr.value(), 0.);


There is currently the possibility to add functions/closures with up to four scalar arguments. Example:

use exprtk_rs::*;

let mut symbol_table = SymbolTable::new();
symbol_table.add_func2("add", |x, y| x + y);
symbol_table.add_variable("x", 1.).unwrap();

let mut expr = Expression::new("add(x, 1)", symbol_table).unwrap();
assert_eq!(expr.value(), 2.);



Wraps a string value and allows modifying it.


SymbolTable holds different variables. There are three types of variables: Numberic variables, strings and numeric vectors of fixed size. (see the documentation). Many but not all of the methods of the ExprTk symbol_table were implemented, and the API is sometimes different.



Type Definitions
