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An implementation of a Type 1 zk-EVM by Polygon Zero.

Following the zk-EVM classification of V. Buterin, the evm_arithmetization crate aims at providing an efficient solution for the problem of generating cryptographic proofs of Ethereum-like transactions with full Ethereum capability.

To this end, the plonky2 zk-EVM is tailored for an AIR-based STARK system satisfying degree 3 constraints, with support for recursive aggregation leveraging plonky2 circuits with FRI-based plonkish arithmetization. These circuits require a one-time, offline preprocessing phase. See the fixed_recursive_verifier module for more details on how this works. These preprocessed circuits are gathered within the AllRecursiveCircuits prover state, and can be generated as such:

// Specify the base field to use.
type F = GoldilocksField;
// Specify the extension degree to use.
const D: usize = 2;
// Specify the recursive configuration to use, here leveraging Poseidon hash
// over the Goldilocks field both natively and in-circuit.
type C = PoseidonGoldilocksConfig;

let all_stark = AllStark::<F, D>::default();
let config = StarkConfig::standard_fast_config();

// Generate all the recursive circuits needed to generate succinct proofs for blocks.
// The ranges correspond to the supported table sizes for each individual STARK component.
let prover_state = AllRecursiveCircuits::<F, C, D>::new(
    &[16..25, 10..20, 12..25, 14..25, 9..20, 12..20, 17..30],

§Inputs type

Transactions need to be processed into an Intermediary Representation (IR) format for the prover to be able to generate proofs of valid state transition. This involves passing the encoded transaction, the header of the block in which it was included, some information on the state prior execution of this transaction, etc. This intermediary representation is called GenerationInputs.

§Generating succinct proofs

§Transaction proofs

To generate a proof for a transaction, given its GenerationInputs and an AllRecursiveCircuits prover state, one can simply call the prove_root method.

let mut timing = TimingTree::new("prove", log::Level::Debug);
let kill_signal = None; // Useful only with distributed proving to kill hanging jobs.
let (proof, public_values) =
    prover_state.prove_root(all_stark, config, inputs, &mut timing, kill_signal);

This outputs a transaction proof and its associated public values. These are necessary during the aggregation levels (see below). If one were to miss the public values, they are also retrievable directly from the proof’s encoded public inputs, as such:

let public_values = PublicValues::from_public_inputs(&proof.public_inputs);

§Aggregation proofs

Because the plonky2 zkEVM generates proofs on a transaction basis, we then need to aggregate them for succinct verification. This is done in a binary tree fashion, where each inner node proof verifies two children proofs, through the prove_aggregation method. Note that the tree does not need to be complete, as this aggregation process can take as inputs both regular transaction proofs and aggregation proofs. We only need to specify for each child if it is an aggregation proof or a regular one.

let (proof_1, pv_1) =
    prover_state.prove_root(all_stark, config, inputs_1, &mut timing, None);
let (proof_2, pv_2) =
    prover_state.prove_root(all_stark, config, inputs_2, &mut timing, None);
let (proof_3, pv_3) =
    prover_state.prove_root(all_stark, config, inputs_3, &mut timing, None);

// Now aggregate proofs for txn 1 and 2.
let (agg_proof_1_2, pv_1_2) =
    prover_state.prove_aggregation(false, proof_1, pv_1, false, proof_2, pv_2);

// Now aggregate the newly generated aggregation proof with the last regular txn proof.
let (agg_proof_1_3, pv_1_3) =
    prover_state.prove_aggregation(true, agg_proof_1_2, pv_1_2, false, proof_3, pv_3);

Note: The proofs provided to the prove_aggregation method MUST have contiguous states. Trying to combine proof_1 and proof_3 from the example above would fail.

§Block proofs

Once all transactions of a block have been proven and we are left with a single aggregation proof and its public values, we can then wrap it into a final block proof, attesting validity of the entire block. This prove_block method accepts an optional previous block proof as argument, which will then try combining the previously proven block with the current one, generating a validity proof for both. Applying this process from genesis would yield a single proof attesting correctness of the entire chain.

let previous_block_proof = { ... };
let (block_proof, block_public_values) =
    prover_state.prove_block(Some(&previous_block_proof), &agg_proof, agg_pv)?;

§Checkpoint heights

The process of always providing a previous block proof when generating a proof for the current block may yield some undesirable issues. For this reason, the plonky2 zk-EVM supports checkpoint heights. At given block heights, the prover does not have to pass a previous block proof. This would in practice correspond to block heights at which a proof has been generated and sent to L1 for settlement.

The only requirement when generating a block proof without passing a previous one as argument is to have the checkpoint_state_trie_root metadata in the PublicValues of the final aggregation proof be matching the state trie before applying all the included transactions. If this condition is not met, the prover will fail to generate a valid proof.

let (block_proof, block_public_values) =
    prover_state.prove_block(None, &agg_proof, agg_pv)?;

§Prover state serialization

Because the recursive circuits only need to be generated once, they can be saved to disk once the preprocessing phase completed successfully, and deserialized on-demand. The plonky2 zk-EVM provides serialization methods to convert the entire prover state to a vector of bytes, and vice-versa. This requires the use of custom serializers for gates and generators for proper recursive circuit encoding. This crate provides default serializers supporting all custom gates and associated generators defined within the plonky2 crate.

let prover_state = AllRecursiveCircuits::<F, C, D>::new(...);

// Default serializers
let gate_serializer = DefaultGateSerializer;
let generator_serializer = DefaultGeneratorSerializer::<C, D> {
    _phantom: PhantomData::<C>,

// Serialize the prover state to a sequence of bytes
let bytes = prover_state.to_bytes(false, &gate_serializer, &generator_serializer).unwrap();

// Deserialize the bytes into a prover state
let recovered_prover_state = AllRecursiveCircuits::<F, C, D>::from_bytes(

assert_eq!(prover_state, recovered_prover_state);

Note that an entire prover state built with wide ranges may be particularly large (up to ~25 GB), hence serialization methods, while faster than doing another preprocessing, may take some non-negligible time.




  • A configuration containing the different parameters used by the STARK prover.

Type Aliases§