

The address type of Solidity. H160 could represent 2 types of data (bytes20 and address) that are not encoded the same way. To avoid issues writing H160 is thus not supported.

Wrapper around an EVM input slice, helping to parse it. Provide functions to parse common types.

Help build an EVM input/output data.

Custom Gasometer to record costs in precompiles. It is advised to record known costs as early as possible to avoid unecessary computations if there is an Out of Gas.

Builder for PrecompileOutput.


Data that can be converted from and to EVM data types.


Return an error with provided (static) text.

Type Definitions

Alias for Result returning an EVM precompile error.

Attribute Macros

This macro allows to associate to each variant of an enumeration a discriminant (of type u32 whose value corresponds to the first 4 bytes of the Hash Keccak256 of the character string indicated by the user of this macro.