macro_rules! create_static_publisher {
        id_type = $id_t:ty,
        msg_type = $msg_t:ty,
        entry_type = $entry_t:ty,
        interm_event_type = $interm_event_t:ty,
        capture_channel_bound = $cap_channel_bound:expr,
        subscription_channel_bound = $sub_channel_bound:expr,
        capture_mode = $capture_mode:expr,
        timestamp_kind = $timestamp_kind:expr
    ) => { ... };
    ($visibility:vis $publisher_name:ident,
        id_type = $id_t:ty,
        msg_type = $msg_t:ty,
        entry_type = $entry_t:ty,
        interm_event_type = $interm_event_t:ty,
        capture_channel_bound = $cap_channel_bound:expr,
        subscription_channel_bound = $sub_channel_bound:expr,
        capture_mode = $capture_mode:expr,
        timestamp_kind = $timestamp_kind:expr
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to create a static publisher.


In the following example, text between <> is used as placeholder.
The visibility setting at the beginning is also optional.

    <visibility specifier> <Name for the publisher>,
    id_type = <Struct implementing `evident::event::Id`>,
    msg_type = <Struct implementing `evident::event::Msg`>,
    entry_type = <Struct implementing `evident::event::entry::EventEntry`>,
    interm_event_type = <Struct implementing `evident::event::intermediary::IntermediaryEvent`>,
    filter_type = <Optional Struct implementing `evident::event::filter::Filter`>,
    filter = <Optional instance of the filter. Must be set if filter type is set>,
    capture_channel_bound = <`usize` expression for the channel bound used to capture events>,
    subscription_channel_bound = <`usize` expression for the channel bound used per subscription>,
    capture_mode = <`evident::publisher::CaptureMode` defining if event finalizing should be non-blocking (`NonBlocking`), or block the thread (`Blocking`)>,
    timestamp_kind = <`evident::publisher::EventTimestampKind` defining if event timestamp should be set on creation (`Created`), or on capture (`Captured`)>

Example without filter:

    id_type = MyId,
    msg_type = String,
    entry_type = MyEventEntry,
    interm_event_type = MyIntermEvent,
    capture_channel_bound = 100,
    subscription_channel_bound = 50,
    capture_mode = CaptureMode::Blocking,
    timestamp_kind = EventTimestampKind::Captured

Example with filter:

    id_type = MyId,
    msg_type = String,
    entry_type = MyEventEntry,
    interm_event_type = MyIntermEvent,
    filter_type = MyFilter,
    filter = MyFilter::default(),
    capture_channel_bound = 100,
    subscription_channel_bound = 50,
    capture_mode = CaptureMode::NonBlocking,
    timestamp_kind = EventTimestampKind::Captured
