Macro ethdigest::keccak

source ·
macro_rules! keccak {
    ($data:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
    ($($part:expr),* $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to create Ethereum digest values for compile-time hashed input.


Basic usage:

    Digest::of("Hello Ethereum!"),
    keccak!(b"Hello Ethereum!",),

The input can be split into parts:

    Digest::of("Hello Ethereum!"),
    keccak!(b"Hello", b" ", b"Ethereum!"),

Note that this can be used in const contexts, but unfortunately not in pattern matching contexts:

const DIGEST: Digest = keccak!(b"I will never change...");
match Digest::of("thing") {
    keccak!("thing") => println!("matches"),
    _ => println!("doesn't match"),

Additionally, this can be composed with other macros and constant expressions:

const FILEHASH: Digest = keccak!(include_bytes!("../"));
const PIHASH: Digest = keccak!(concat!("const PI = ", 3.14).as_bytes());