[][src]Function estimated_read_time::text

pub fn text(content: &str, options: &Options) -> ReadTime

Calculates the time taken to read the content passed.


  • content - The content to read.

  • options - The options object provided by estimated_read_time::Options which contains some configuration on how to calculate the time taken to read the content.


estimated_read_time::ReadTime - The ReadTime object which contains the time taken to read the content.


use estimated_read_time::Options
use estimated_read_time::ReadTime

///Example 1
let read_norm_doc = Options::new()
let time_taken: ReadTime = estimated_read_time::text(&content, &read_norm_doc);
let word_count: u64 = time_taken.word_count();
let seconds: u64 = time_taken.seconds();

///Example 2
let read_tech_doc = Options::new()
let time_taken: ReadTime = estimated_read_time::text(&content, &read_tech_doc);

let word_count: u64 = time_taken.word_count();
let seconds: u64 = time_taken.seconds();