Module esp32h2_hal::gpio

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§General Purpose I/Os


The GPIO peripheral provides access to General Purpose Input/Output pins on ESP chips.

This driver supports various operations on GPIO pins, including setting the pin mode, direction, and manipulating the pin state (setting high/low, toggling). It provides an interface to interact with GPIO pins on ESP chips, allowing developers to control and read the state of the pins. This module also implements a number of traits from embedded-hal to provide a common interface for GPIO pins.

To get access to the pins, you first need to convert them into a HAL designed struct from the pac struct GPIO and IO_MUX using IO::new.


let io = IO::new(peripherals.GPIO, peripherals.IO_MUX);
let mut led = io.pins.gpio5.into_push_pull_output();


  • Event Task Matrix Function






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