use std::collections::HashSet;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use proc_macro2::Literal;
use quote::quote;
use syn::TraitBound;
use syn::TraitBoundModifier;
use syn::TypeParamBound;
use syn::{
#[proc_macro_derive(ESExprCodec, attributes(constructor, inline_value, keyword, simple_enum, default_value, optional, dict, vararg))]
pub fn derive_esexpr_codec(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
type TokenRes = Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream, proc_macro2::TokenStream>;
fn flatten_token_res(res: TokenRes) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match res {
Ok(ts) => ts,
Err(ts) => ts,
fn derive_esexpr_codec_impl(input: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let input: DeriveInput = parse_quote!(#input);
let type_name = input.ident;
let generics_params = input.generics.params;
let generics_lt = input.generics.lt_token;
let generics_gt = input.generics.gt_token;
let type_args = generics_params.iter().map(param_to_arg).collect::<Punctuated<GenericArgument, Token![,]>>();
let type_params =
if generics_params.is_empty() {
quote! {}
else {
let params = generics_params.into_iter()
.map(|mut p| {
match &mut p {
GenericParam::Type(p) => {
p.bounds.push(TypeParamBound::Trait(TraitBound {
paren_token: None,
modifier: TraitBoundModifier::None,
lifetimes: None,
path: parse_quote! { ::esexpr::ESExprCodec },
GenericParam::Lifetime(_) => {},
GenericParam::Const(_) => {},
quote! {
let validate = flatten_token_res(validate_attributes(&input.attrs, &type_name, &;
let tags = flatten_token_res(get_esexpr_tag(&input.attrs, &type_name, &;
let encode = flatten_token_res(get_esexpr_encode(&input.attrs, &type_name, &;
let decode = flatten_token_res(get_esexpr_decode(&input.attrs, &type_name, &;
quote! {
impl #type_params ::esexpr::ESExprCodec for #type_name #generics_lt #type_args #generics_gt {
fn tags() -> ::std::collections::HashSet<::esexpr::ESExprTag> {
fn encode_esexpr(self) -> ::esexpr::ESExpr {
fn decode_esexpr(expr: ::esexpr::ESExpr) -> ::core::result::Result<Self, ::esexpr::DecodeError> {
fn validate_attributes(attrs: &[Attribute], _type_name: &Ident, data: &Data) -> TokenRes {
match data {
Data::Struct(s) => {
if has_simple_enum_attribute(attrs)? {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Struct cannot be a simple_enum."); })?;
Data::Enum(e) => {
if constructor_attribute(attrs)?.is_some() {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Constructor name may only be specified for structs and enum cases"); })?;
for c in &e.variants {
if has_simple_enum_attribute(&c.attrs)? {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Enum case cannot be a simple_enum."); })?;
Data::Union(_) => (),
Ok(quote! {})
fn validate_fields(fields: &Fields) -> Result<(), proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
let fields = match fields {
Fields::Named(named) => &named.named,
Fields::Unnamed(unnamed) => &unnamed.unnamed,
Fields::Unit => return Ok(()),
for field in fields {
if keyword_attribute(&field.attrs)?.is_some() {
if has_dict_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Keyword arguments cannot be dict values."); });
if has_vararg_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Keyword arguments cannot be vararg values."); });
if has_optional_attribute(&field.attrs)? && has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)?.is_some() {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Optional arguments cannot have default values."); });
else if has_dict_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
if has_vararg_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Dict arguments cannot be vararg values."); });
if has_optional_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Dictionary arguments cannot be optional."); });
if has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)?.is_some() {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Dictionary arguments cannot have default values."); });
else if has_vararg_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
if has_optional_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Variable arguments cannot be optional."); });
if has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)?.is_some() {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Variable arguments cannot have default values."); });
else {
if has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)?.is_some() {
return Err(quote! { compile_error!("Positional arguments cannot have default values."); });
fn param_to_arg(p: &GenericParam) -> GenericArgument {
match p {
GenericParam::Lifetime(l) => GenericArgument::Lifetime(l.lifetime.clone()),
GenericParam::Type(t) =>
GenericArgument::Type(Type::Path(TypePath {
qself: None,
path: Path::from(t.ident.clone()),
GenericParam::Const(c) =>
GenericArgument::Const(Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: vec!(),
qself: None,
path: Path::from(c.ident.clone()),
fn get_esexpr_tag(attrs: &[Attribute], type_name: &Ident, data: &Data) -> TokenRes {
fn make_constructor_expr(name: &Expr) -> Expr {
parse_quote! { ::esexpr::ESExprTag::Constructor(#name.to_owned()) }
fn make_set_of(e: Expr) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
quote! {
Ok(match data {
Data::Struct(_) => {
make_set_of(make_constructor_expr(&make_constructor_name(attrs, type_name)?))
Data::Enum(_) if has_simple_enum_attribute(attrs)? =>
make_set_of(parse_quote! { ::esexpr::ESExprTag::Str }),
Data::Enum(e) => {
let case_tags: proc_macro2::TokenStream = e.variants.iter().map(|c| -> TokenRes {
if has_inline_value_attribute(&c.attrs)? {
let t = &get_inline_value_field(c)?.ty;
Ok(quote! { tags.extend(<#t as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::tags()); })
else {
let tag = make_constructor_expr(&make_constructor_name(&c.attrs, &c.ident)?);
Ok(quote! { tags.insert(#tag); })
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
quote! {
let mut tags = ::std::collections::HashSet::new();
Data::Union(_) => Err(quote! { compile_error!("ESExprCodec cannot be derived for union"); })?,
fn get_esexpr_encode(attrs: &[Attribute], type_name: &Ident, data: &Data) -> TokenRes {
Ok(match data {
Data::Struct(s) => {
let constructor_name = make_constructor_name(attrs, type_name)?;
let encode_fields = make_encode_fields(
|name, i|
if let Some(name) = name {
quote! { self.#name }
else {
let i_ident = Index::from(i);
quote! { self.#i_ident }
quote! {
let mut args = ::std::vec::Vec::<::esexpr::ESExpr>::new();
let mut kwargs = ::std::collections::HashMap::<std::string::String, ::esexpr::ESExpr>::new();
::esexpr::ESExpr::Constructor { name: #constructor_name.to_owned(), args, kwargs }
Data::Enum(e) if has_simple_enum_attribute(attrs)? => {
let cases: proc_macro2::TokenStream = e.variants.iter().map(|c| -> TokenRes {
let case_name = &c.ident;
let case_name_str = &make_constructor_name(&c.attrs, case_name)?;
Ok(quote! {
#type_name::#case_name => ::esexpr::ESExpr::Str(#case_name_str.to_owned()),
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
quote! {
match self {
Data::Enum(e) => {
let cases: proc_macro2::TokenStream = e.variants.iter().map(|c| -> TokenRes {
let case_name = &c.ident;
fn make_field_name<'a>(name: Option<&'a Ident>, i: usize) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let mut name =
if let Some(name) = name { name.to_string() }
else { i.to_string() };
name.insert_str(0, "field_");
let name = Ident::new(&name, Span::mixed_site());
quote! { #name }
let pattern = match &c.fields {
Fields::Named(fields) => {
let field_patterns: proc_macro2::TokenStream = fields.named.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, field)| {
let orig_name = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let mapped_name = make_field_name(field.ident.as_ref(), i);
quote! { #orig_name: #mapped_name, }
quote! {
#type_name::#case_name { #field_patterns }
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
let field_patterns: proc_macro2::TokenStream = (0..fields.unnamed.len()).into_iter().map(|i| {
let mapped_name = make_field_name(None, i);
quote! { #mapped_name, }
quote! {
Fields::Unit => quote! { #type_name::#case_name },
if has_inline_value_attribute(&c.attrs)? {
let field = get_inline_value_field(c)?;
let field_name = make_field_name(field.ident.as_ref(), 0);
let field_type = &field.ty;
Ok(quote! {
#pattern => {
<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::encode_esexpr(#field_name)
else {
let constructor_name = make_constructor_name(&c.attrs, case_name)?;
let encode_fields = make_encode_fields(&c.fields, make_field_name)?;
Ok(quote! {
#pattern => {
let mut args = ::std::vec::Vec::<::esexpr::ESExpr>::new();
let mut kwargs = ::std::collections::HashMap::<::std::string::String, ::esexpr::ESExpr>::new();
::esexpr::ESExpr::Constructor { name: #constructor_name.to_owned(), args, kwargs }
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
quote! {
match self {
Data::Union(_) => Err(quote! { compile_error!("ESExprCodec cannot be derived for union"); })?,
fn make_encode_fields<'a, F: Fn(Option<&'a Ident>, usize) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream>(fields: &'a Fields, make_field_expr: F) -> TokenRes {
let fields = match fields {
Fields::Named(fields) => fields.named.iter().collect(),
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => fields.unnamed.iter().collect(),
Fields::Unit => Vec::new(),
let mut has_dict_field = false;
let mut has_vararg_field = false;
let mut kwarg_names = HashSet::new();
let mut has_optional_positional = false;
fields.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(i, field)| -> TokenRes {
let field_expr = make_field_expr(field.ident.as_ref(), i);
let field_type = &field.ty;
if let Some(keyword_attr) = keyword_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
if has_dict_field {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Keyword arguments must preceed dict arguments"); })?;
let kw = make_kwarg_name(keyword_attr.as_deref(), field.ident.as_ref())?;
let kw_name = get_string_expr_value(&kw)?;
if kwarg_names.contains(&kw_name) {
let message = make_str_expr(&format!("Duplicate keyword argument \"{}\"", kw_name));
Err(quote! { compile_error!(#message); })?;
if has_optional_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
quote! { if let Some(value) = <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprOptionalFieldCodec>::encode_optional_field(#field_expr) { kwargs.insert(#kw.to_owned(), value); } }
else if let Some(default_value) = has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
quote! {
let value = #field_expr;
if value != #default_value {
kwargs.insert(#kw.to_owned(), <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::encode_esexpr(value));
else {
quote! { kwargs.insert(#kw.to_owned(), <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::encode_esexpr(#field_expr)); }
else if has_dict_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
if has_dict_field {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Only a single dict argument is allowed"); })?;
has_dict_field = true;
quote! { ::esexpr::ESExprDictCodec::encode_dict_element(#field_expr, &mut kwargs); }
else if has_vararg_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
if has_vararg_field {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Only a single vararg is allowed"); })?;
has_vararg_field = true;
if has_optional_positional {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Variable arguments cannot follow optional positional arguments."); })?;
quote! { ::esexpr::ESExprVarArgCodec::encode_vararg_element(#field_expr, &mut args); }
else {
if has_vararg_field {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Positional arguments must precede varargs"); })?;
if has_optional_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
if has_optional_positional {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Only a single optional positional argument is allowed."); })?;
has_optional_positional = true;
quote! { if let Some(value) = <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprOptionalFieldCodec>::encode_optional_field(#field_expr) { args.push(value); } }
else if let Some(default_value) = has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
has_optional_positional = true;
quote! {
let value = #field_expr;
if value != #default_value {
args.push(<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::encode_esexpr(value));
else {
if has_optional_positional {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Required positional arguments cannot follow optional positional arguments."); })?;
quote! { args.push(::esexpr::ESExprCodec::encode_esexpr(#field_expr)); }
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()
fn get_esexpr_decode(attrs: &[Attribute], type_name: &Ident, data: &Data) -> TokenRes {
Ok(match data {
Data::Struct(s) => {
let constructor_name = make_constructor_name(attrs, type_name)?;
let decode_fields = make_decode_fields(&s.fields, &constructor_name, quote! { #type_name })?;
quote! {
if let (::esexpr::ESExpr::Constructor { name, mut args, mut kwargs }) = expr {
if name == #constructor_name {
else {
::esexpr::DecodeErrorType::UnexpectedExpr {
expected_tags: Self::tags(),
actual_tag: ::esexpr::ESExprTag::Constructor(name),
else {
::esexpr::DecodeErrorType::UnexpectedExpr {
expected_tags: Self::tags(),
actual_tag: expr.tag(),
Data::Enum(e) if has_simple_enum_attribute(attrs)? => {
let decode_cases: proc_macro2::TokenStream = e.variants.iter().map(|c| -> TokenRes {
let case_name = &c.ident;
let case_name_str = &make_constructor_name(&c.attrs, case_name)?;
Ok(quote! {
#case_name_str => Ok(#type_name::#case_name),
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
let type_name_str = make_str_expr(&type_name.to_string());
quote! {
match expr {
::esexpr::ESExpr::Str(s) => match s.as_str() {
_ => Err(::esexpr::DecodeError(
::esexpr::DecodeErrorType::OutOfRange(format!("Invalid value for simple enum {}: {}", #type_name_str, s)),
_ => {
::esexpr::DecodeErrorType::UnexpectedExpr { expected_tags: Self::tags(), actual_tag: expr.tag() },
Data::Enum(e) => {
let decode_cases: proc_macro2::TokenStream = e.variants.iter().map(|c| -> TokenRes {
let case_name = &c.ident;
if has_inline_value_attribute(&c.attrs)? {
let field = get_inline_value_field(c)?;
let field_type = &field.ty;
let value = quote! { <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::decode_esexpr(expr)? };
let case_value =
if let Some(field_name) = &field.ident {
quote! { #type_name::#case_name { #field_name: #value } }
else {
quote! { #type_name::#case_name(#value) }
Ok(quote! {
_ if <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::tags().contains(&expr.tag()) => {
else {
let name = make_constructor_name(&c.attrs, case_name)?;
let decode_fields = make_decode_fields(&c.fields, &name, quote! { #type_name::#case_name })?;
Ok(quote! {
::esexpr::ESExpr::Constructor { name, mut args, mut kwargs } if name == #name => {
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
quote! {
match expr {
_ => {
::esexpr::DecodeErrorType::UnexpectedExpr { expected_tags: Self::tags(), actual_tag: expr.tag() },
Data::Union(_) => Err(quote! { compile_error!("ESExprCodec cannot be derived for union"); })?,
fn make_decode_fields(fields: &Fields, constructor_name: &Expr, constructor: proc_macro2::TokenStream) -> TokenRes {
let mut arg_index = 0;
Ok(match fields {
Fields::Named(fields) => {
let field_init: proc_macro2::TokenStream = fields.named.iter().map(|field| -> TokenRes {
let field_name = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let field_value = make_decode_field(field, &mut arg_index, constructor_name)?;
Ok(quote! { #field_name: #field_value, })
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
quote! { #constructor { #field_init } }
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
let field_init: proc_macro2::TokenStream = fields.unnamed.iter().map(|field| -> TokenRes {
let field_value = make_decode_field(field, &mut arg_index, constructor_name)?;
Ok(quote! { #field_value, })
}).collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
quote! { #constructor(#field_init) }
Fields::Unit => constructor,
enum FieldPath<'a> {
Keyword(&'a Expr),
fn make_decode_field(field: &Field, arg_index: &mut usize, constructor_name: &Expr) -> TokenRes {
let field_type = &field.ty;
if let Some(keyword_attr) = keyword_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
let kw = make_kwarg_name(keyword_attr.as_deref(), field.ident.as_ref())?;
let error_mapping = make_error_mapping(constructor_name, FieldPath::Keyword(&kw));
if has_optional_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
quote! {
<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprOptionalFieldCodec>::decode_optional_field(kwargs.remove(#kw))
else if let Some(default_value) = has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
quote! {
.map(<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::decode_esexpr)
.unwrap_or_else(|| #default_value)
else {
quote! {
<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::decode_esexpr(
kwargs.remove(#kw).ok_or_else(|| ::esexpr::DecodeError(
else if has_dict_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
quote! { <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprDictCodec>::decode_dict_element(&mut kwargs, #constructor_name)? }
else if has_vararg_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
let i_expr = Literal::usize_suffixed(*arg_index);
quote! { <#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprVarArgCodec>::decode_vararg_element(&mut args, #constructor_name, #i_expr)? }
else {
let error_mapping = make_error_mapping(constructor_name, FieldPath::Positional(*arg_index));
if has_optional_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
quote! {
<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprOptionalFieldCodec>::decode_optional_field(
if args.is_empty() {
else {
else if let Some(default_value) = has_default_value_attribute(&field.attrs)? {
quote! {
if args.is_empty() {
else {
<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::decode_esexpr(args.remove(0))
else {
quote! {
if args.is_empty() {
else {
<#field_type as ::esexpr::ESExprCodec>::decode_esexpr(args.remove(0)).map_err(#error_mapping)?
fn make_error_mapping(constructor_name: &Expr, path: FieldPath) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match path {
FieldPath::Positional(i) => {
let i_expr = Literal::usize_suffixed(i);
quote! { |mut e| { e.1 = ::esexpr::DecodeErrorPath::Positional(#constructor_name.to_owned(), #i_expr, Box::new(e.1)); e } }
FieldPath::Keyword(name) => {
quote! { |mut e| { e.1 = ::esexpr::DecodeErrorPath::Keyword(#constructor_name.to_owned(), #name.to_owned(), Box::new(e.1)); e } }
fn make_constructor_name(attrs: &[Attribute], type_name: &Ident) -> Result<Expr, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
if let Some(ctor) = constructor_attribute(attrs)? {
else {
fn make_kwarg_name(attr_name: Option<&Expr>, field_name: Option<&Ident>) -> Result<Expr, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
Ok(match attr_name {
Some(name) => name.clone(),
None =>
match field_name {
Some(name) => make_str_expr(&reformat_field_name(&name.to_string())),
None => Err(quote! { compile_error!("Keyword arguments for unnamed fields must specifiy a name: #[keyword = \"name\"]"); })?,
fn get_string_expr_value(e: &Expr) -> Result<String, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
match e {
Expr::Lit(ExprLit { lit: Lit::Str(lit_str), .. }) => Ok(lit_str.value()),
_ => Err(quote! { compile_error!("Expected a string literal"); }),
enum DecodedAttribute<'a> {
NameValue(&'a Expr),
fn decode_attr<'a>(name: &str, attrs: &'a [Attribute]) -> Result<Option<DecodedAttribute<'a>>, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
fn try_decode_attr<'a>(name: &str, attr: &'a Attribute) -> Result<Option<DecodedAttribute<'a>>, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
match &attr.meta {
Meta::NameValue(MetaNameValue { path, value, .. }) if path.get_ident().is_some_and(|i| i.to_string() == name) =>
Meta::List(MetaList { path, .. }) if path.get_ident().is_some_and(|i| i.to_string() == name) => {
Meta::Path(p) if p.get_ident().is_some_and(|i| i.to_string() == name) =>
_ => Ok(None),
let mut attrs = attrs.iter().filter_map(|attr| {
try_decode_attr(name, attr).transpose()
}).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
if attrs.len() > 1 {
let msg = make_str_expr(&format!("Attribute {} may only be specified once.", name));
Err(quote! { compile_error!(#msg); })
else {
fn has_simple_attribute(name: &str, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<bool, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
decode_attr(name, attrs)?.map(|attr| {
match attr {
DecodedAttribute::Simple => Ok(()),
_ => {
let msg = make_str_expr(&format!("Attribute {} must be a simple attribute", name));
Err(quote! { compile_error!(#msg); })?
}).transpose().map(|o| o.is_some())
fn get_name_value_attribute<'a>(name: &str, attrs: &'a [Attribute]) -> Result<Option<&'a Expr>, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
decode_attr(name, attrs)?.map(|attr| {
match attr {
DecodedAttribute::NameValue(value) => Ok(value),
_ => {
let msg = make_str_expr(&format!("Attribute {} must be a name-value attribute", name));
Err(quote! { compile_error!(#msg); })?
fn get_name_optional_value_attribute<'a>(name: &str, attrs: &'a [Attribute]) -> Result<Option<Option<&'a Expr>>, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
decode_attr(name, attrs)?.map(|attr| {
match attr {
DecodedAttribute::Simple => Ok(None),
DecodedAttribute::NameValue(value) => Ok(Some(value)),
_ => {
let msg = make_str_expr(&format!("Attribute {} must be a simple or name-value attribute", name));
Err(quote! { compile_error!(#msg); })?
fn constructor_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<Option<&Expr>, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
get_name_value_attribute("constructor", attrs)
fn keyword_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<Option<Option<&Expr>>, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
get_name_optional_value_attribute("keyword", attrs)
fn has_simple_enum_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<bool, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
has_simple_attribute("simple_enum", attrs)
fn has_default_value_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<Option<Expr>, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
let Some(expr_str_expr) = get_name_value_attribute("default_value", attrs)? else { return Ok(None); };
let expr_str = get_string_expr_value(expr_str_expr)?;
.map_err(|_| quote! { compile_error!("Default value must be a string containing a valid expression of the field type") })
fn has_optional_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<bool, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
has_simple_attribute("optional", attrs)
fn has_inline_value_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<bool, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
has_simple_attribute("inline_value", attrs)
fn get_inline_value_field(c: &Variant) -> Result<&Field, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
match &c.fields {
Fields::Named(fields) => {
if fields.named.len() == 1 {
else {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Inline value case must have exactly one field"); })
Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
if fields.unnamed.len() == 1 {
else {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Inline value case must have exactly one field"); })
Fields::Unit => {
Err(quote! { compile_error!("Unit case cannot be an inline_value"); })
fn has_dict_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<bool, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
has_simple_attribute("dict", attrs)
fn has_vararg_attribute(attrs: &[Attribute]) -> Result<bool, proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
has_simple_attribute("vararg", attrs)
fn reformat_type_name(name: &str) -> String {
let mut last_dash = false;
let mut last_upper = None;
let mut res = String::new();
for c in name.chars() {
if c.is_ascii_lowercase() {
if let Some(upper) = last_upper.take() {
if !res.is_empty() && !last_dash {
last_dash = false;
else if c.is_ascii_uppercase() {
if let Some(upper) = last_upper.take() {
last_dash = false;
else if !res.is_empty() && !last_dash {
last_dash = true;
last_upper = Some(c.to_ascii_lowercase());
else {
if let Some(upper) = last_upper.take() {
last_dash = false;
if let Some(upper) = last_upper.take() {
fn reformat_field_name(name: &str) -> String {
name.replace("_", "-")
fn make_str_expr(s: &str) -> Expr {
Expr::Lit(ExprLit {
attrs: vec!(),
lit: Lit::Str(LitStr::new(s, Span::mixed_site())),
mod test {
use quote::quote;
use crate::reformat_type_name;
use syn::{
visit::{self, Visit}
fn reformat_str_test() {
assert_eq!("test-abc", reformat_type_name("TestABC"));
assert_eq!("test-name-with-parts", reformat_type_name("TestNameWithParts"));
assert_eq!("test-abc-after", reformat_type_name("TestABCAfter"));
macro_rules! ensure_error {
($message: expr, $def: item) => {
check_error($message, crate::derive_esexpr_codec_impl(quote! {
fn check_error(message: &str, tokens: proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
let mut checker = CompileErrorChecker {
compile_error_messages: Vec::new(),
eprintln!("{}", tokens);
if checker.compile_error_messages.is_empty() {
println!("No compile_error!s were found");
else {
println!("Error messages:");
for e in &checker.compile_error_messages {
println!("{}", e);
assert!(checker.compile_error_messages.iter().any(|s| s == message));
struct CompileErrorChecker {
compile_error_messages: Vec<String>,
impl <'a> visit::Visit<'a> for CompileErrorChecker {
fn visit_macro(&mut self, mac: &'a syn::Macro) {
if mac.path.get_ident().is_some_and(|i| i.to_string() == "compile_error") {
let args =
syn::punctuated::Punctuated::<syn::Expr, syn::Token![,]>::parse_terminated
match &args[0] {
syn::Expr::Lit(syn::ExprLit { lit: syn::Lit::Str(s), .. }) => {
_ => panic!("Expected a string for compile_error!"),
visit::visit_macro(self, mac)
fn derive_union() {
ensure_error!("ESExprCodec cannot be derived for union",
union ConstructorNameEnum {
a: i32,
b: f32,
fn constructor_on_enum() {
ensure_error!("Constructor name may only be specified for structs and enum cases",
#[constructor = "my-ctor"]
enum ConstructorNameEnum {
fn simple_enum_on_struct() {
ensure_error!("Struct cannot be a simple_enum.",
struct ConstructorNameEnum(i32);
fn simple_enum_on_case() {
ensure_error!("Enum case cannot be a simple_enum.",
enum ConstructorNameEnum {
fn kwarg_after_dict() {
ensure_error!("Keyword arguments must preceed dict arguments",
struct MyStruct {
a: HashMap<String, String>,
b: String,
fn multiple_dict() {
ensure_error!("Only a single dict argument is allowed",
struct MyStruct {
a: HashMap<String, String>,
b: HashMap<String, String>,
fn multiple_vararg() {
ensure_error!("Only a single vararg is allowed",
struct MyStruct {
a: Vec<String>,
b: Vec<String>,
fn arg_after_vararg() {
ensure_error!("Positional arguments must precede varargs",
struct MyStruct {
a: Vec<String>,
b: String,
fn inline_value_exactly_one() {
ensure_error!("Unit case cannot be an inline_value",
enum MyEnum {
ensure_error!("Inline value case must have exactly one field",
enum MyEnum {
ensure_error!("Inline value case must have exactly one field",
enum MyEnum {
MyCase(i32, i32),
ensure_error!("Inline value case must have exactly one field",
enum MyEnum {
MyCase {},
ensure_error!("Inline value case must have exactly one field",
enum MyEnum {
MyCase { a: i32, b: i32 },
fn keyword_arg_unnamed() {
ensure_error!("Keyword arguments for unnamed fields must specifiy a name: #[keyword = \"name\"]",
struct MyStruct(#[keyword] u32);
fn default_value_positional() {
ensure_error!("Positional arguments cannot have default values.",
struct MyStruct(#[default_value = "4"] u32);
fn required_after_optional_positional() {
ensure_error!("Required positional arguments cannot follow optional positional arguments.",
struct MyStruct(#[optional] u32, u32);
fn multiple_optional_positional() {
ensure_error!("Only a single optional positional argument is allowed.",
struct MyStruct(#[optional] u32, #[optional] u32);
fn vararg_after_optional_positional() {
ensure_error!("Variable arguments cannot follow optional positional arguments.",
struct MyStruct(#[optional] u32, #[vararg] u32);
fn default_value_dict() {
ensure_error!("Dictionary arguments cannot have default values.",
struct MyStruct(#[default_value = "4"] #[dict] HashMap<String, u32>);
fn optional_value_dict() {
ensure_error!("Dictionary arguments cannot be optional.",
struct MyStruct(#[optional] #[dict] HashMap<String, u32>);
fn default_value_vararg() {
ensure_error!("Variable arguments cannot have default values.",
struct MyStruct(#[default_value = "4"] #[vararg] Vec<u32>);
fn optional_value_vararg() {
ensure_error!("Variable arguments cannot be optional.",
struct MyStruct(#[optional] #[vararg] Vec<u32>);
fn default_value_optional() {
ensure_error!("Optional arguments cannot have default values.",
struct MyStruct(#[keyword = "a"] #[optional] #[default_value = "4"] u32);
fn constructor_invalid() {
ensure_error!("Attribute constructor may only be specified once.",
#[constructor = "a"]
#[constructor = "b"]
struct MyStruct(u32);
ensure_error!("Attribute constructor must be a name-value attribute",
struct MyStruct(u32);
ensure_error!("Attribute constructor must be a name-value attribute",
#[constructor(name = "my-ctor")]
struct MyStruct(u32);
fn keyword_arg_invalid() {
ensure_error!("Attribute keyword may only be specified once.",
struct MyStruct(#[keyword] #[keyword = "b"] u32);
ensure_error!("Duplicate keyword argument \"a\"",
struct MyStruct(#[keyword = "a"] u32, #[keyword = "a"] u32);
ensure_error!("Keyword arguments cannot be dict values.",
struct MyStruct(#[dict] #[keyword = "x"] HashMap<String, String>);
ensure_error!("Keyword arguments cannot be vararg values.",
struct MyStruct(#[vararg] #[keyword = "x"] HashMap<String, String>);
fn inline_value_invalid() {
ensure_error!("Attribute inline_value may only be specified once.",
enum MyEnum {
ensure_error!("Attribute inline_value must be a simple attribute",
enum MyEnum {
#[inline_value = true]
ensure_error!("Attribute inline_value must be a simple attribute",
enum MyEnum {
fn simple_enum_invalid() {
ensure_error!("Attribute simple_enum may only be specified once.",
enum MyEnum {
ensure_error!("Attribute simple_enum must be a simple attribute",
#[simple_enum = true]
enum MyEnum {
ensure_error!("Attribute simple_enum must be a simple attribute",
#[simple_enum(x = 1)]
enum MyEnum {
fn default_value() {
ensure_error!("Attribute default_value may only be specified once.",
struct MyStruct(#[keyword = "name"] #[default_value = "1"] #[default_value = "2"] u32);
ensure_error!("Attribute default_value must be a name-value attribute",
struct MyStruct(#[keyword = "name"] #[default_value] u32);
ensure_error!("Attribute default_value must be a name-value attribute",
struct MyStruct(#[keyword = "name"] #[default_value()] u32);
fn dict_invalid() {
ensure_error!("Attribute dict may only be specified once.",
struct MyStruct(#[dict] #[dict] HashMap<String, String>);
ensure_error!("Attribute dict must be a simple attribute",
#[simple_enum = true]
struct MyStruct(#[dict = 1] HashMap<String, String>);
ensure_error!("Attribute dict must be a simple attribute",
struct MyStruct(#[dict()] HashMap<String, String>);
ensure_error!("Dict arguments cannot be vararg values.",
struct MyStruct(#[dict] #[vararg] HashMap<String, String>);
fn vararg_invalid() {
ensure_error!("Attribute vararg may only be specified once.",
struct MyStruct(#[vararg] #[vararg] Vec<String>);
ensure_error!("Attribute vararg must be a simple attribute",
struct MyStruct(#[vararg = 1] Vec<String>);
ensure_error!("Attribute vararg must be a simple attribute",
struct MyStruct(#[vararg()] Vec<String>);