Expand description

Basic exceptions handling mechanism.

Module :: werror

experimental rust-status docs.rs discord

Basic exceptions handling mechanism.


#[ cfg( feature = "use_std" ) ]
  use error_tools::*;

  let err1 = BasicError::new( "Some error" );
  println!( "err1 : {}", err1 );
  // < err1 : Some error

To add to your project

cargo add werror

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/error_tools_trivial
cargo run




Default error object.

Exposed namespace of the module.

Exceptions handling mechanism for apps.

Exceptions handling mechanism for libs.

Shared with parent namespace of the module

Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.

Protected namespace of the module.


Macro asserts that two expressions are identical to each other. Unlike std::assert_eq it is removed from a release build.

Macro asserts that two expressions are identical to each other. Unlike std::assert_eq it is removed from a release build. Alias of debug_assert_id.

Macro asserts that two expressions are not identical to each other. Unlike std::assert_eq it is removed from a release build.

Macro asserts that two expressions are not identical to each other. Unlike std::assert_eq it is removed from a release build.

Macro to generate error.


baic implementation of generic BasicError


Alias for std::error::BasicError.