Macro ergo_sync::ch_try [] [src]

macro_rules! ch_try {
    [$send:ident, $expr:expr, $action:expr] => { ... };

Handle an expression that could be Err and send it over a channel if it is.

This is the same as the builtin try! macro, except if the expression fails than the Err is sent on the $send channel and the requested action is performed.

Suggested possible actions: - continue - return - break - some expression that evaluates to a "default value" for that context.


#[macro_use] extern crate ergo_sync;
use ergo_sync::*;
let (send_err, recv_err) = ch::unbounded();
let items = &[Ok("this is alright"), Err("not ok"), Err("still not okay")];
for item in items.iter() {
    let v = ch_try!(send_err, *item, continue);
    println!("got: {}", v);

let errs: Vec<_> = recv_err.iter().collect();
assert_eq!(vec!["not ok", "still not okay"], errs);