

Takes an Ergo address (either P2PK or P2S) as a Base58 String and returns the ErgoTree if it is a valid address.

Builds a Token struct using the provided token_id and token_amount. Useful when manually constructing transaction logic and requiring building Tokens when dealing with the id as a String and the amount as a u64.

Builds a TokenAmount struct

Builds a TokenId struct

Deserialize ErgoTree inside of a Constant acquired from a register of an ErgoBox into a P2S Base58 String.

Acquire the ErgoTree of the P2S Base58 String.

Convert from Erg to nanoErg

Given a P2S address, extract its ErgoTree, serialize it into hex-encoded bytes, hash it with blake2b_256, and then prepare it to be used in a register as a Constant

Convert from nanoErg to Erg

Attempts to acquire the Base58 encoded P2S or P2PK Address from an ErgoTree

Decodes a hex-encoded string into bytes and then serializes it into a properly formatted signed hex-encoded string and converted into a Constant

Acquires the Base58 encoded P2S Address from an ErgoTree

Serialize a String value into a signed hex-encoded byte string and then convert it into a Constant to be used in registers.

Takes the blake2b hash of a String, then converted into/represented as hex as a String

Unwraps a hex-encoded String which is inside of a Constant acquired from a register of an ErgoBox.

Unwraps a hex-encoded i32 Int inside of a Constant acquired from a register of an ErgoBox

Unwrap a hex-encoded i64 Long inside of a Constant acquired from a register of an ErgoBox

Unwrap a String which is inside of a Constant acquired from a register of an ErgoBox

Type Definitions