initSidebarItems({"constant":[["EPOLLERR","Error condition happened on the associated file descriptor."],["EPOLLET","Sets the Edge Triggered behavior for the associated file descriptor."],["EPOLLHUP","Hang up happened on the associated file descriptor."],["EPOLLIN","The associated file is available for read operations."],["EPOLLONESHOT","Sets the one-shot behavior for the associated file descriptor."],["EPOLLOUT","The associated file is available for write operations."],["EPOLLPRI","There is urgent data available for read operations."],["EPOLLRDHUP","Stream socket peer closed connection, or shut down writing half of connection."],["EPOLLWAKEUP","If `EPOLLONESHOT` and `EPOLLET` are clear and the process has the `CAP_BLOCK_SUSPEND` capability, ensure that the system does not enter \"suspend\" or \"hibernate\" while this event is pending or being processed."]],"struct":[["EpollInstance","Thread safe abstraction around the returned `fd` from `libc::epoll_create(1)`"],["Events",""],["Interest",""]]});