Crate envoy_types

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Collection of protobuf types and other assets to work with the Envoy Proxy through Rust gRPC services.

Among other use cases, this crate can be used to implement an Envoy External Authorization (ExtAuthz) gRPC Server written in Rust.

§Getting Started

envoy-types = "<envoy-types-version>"

The protobuf types made available are already pre-compiled, so you only need to have the Protocol Buffer Compiler (protoc) installed to run the crate’s tests. Installation instructions can be found here.


The example bellow covers a bare-bones implementation of an Envoy ExtAuthz gRPC AuthorizationServer, with tonic. A more complete implementation, including query parameters and header manipulation, can be found at the examples directory.

use tonic::{transport::Server, Request, Response, Status};

use envoy_types::ext_authz::v3::pb::{
    Authorization, AuthorizationServer, CheckRequest, CheckResponse,
use envoy_types::ext_authz::v3::{CheckRequestExt, CheckResponseExt};

struct MyServer;

impl Authorization for MyServer {
    async fn check(
        request: Request<CheckRequest>,
    ) -> Result<Response<CheckResponse>, Status> {
        let request = request.into_inner();

        let client_headers = request
            .ok_or_else(|| Status::invalid_argument("client headers not populated by envoy"))?;

        let mut request_status = Status::unauthenticated("not authorized");

        if let Some(authorization) = client_headers.get("authorization") {
            if authorization == "Bearer valid-token" {
                request_status = Status::ok("request is valid");


// #[tokio::main]
// async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//     let addr = format!("").parse().unwrap();
//     let server = MyServer::default();

//     println!("AuthorizationServer listening on {addr}");

//     Server::builder()
//         .add_service(AuthorizationServer::new(server))
//         .serve(addr)
//         .await?;

//     Ok(())
// }

You can check the currently supported version of tonic at this crate’s Cargo.toml file. If you want to work with a previous version, consider using a previous version of envoy-types.


  • Convenience mod for ext_authz server implementation
  • Compiled protobuf types