Expand description

envelope is a very simple, envelope encryption library that can use external key providers such as AWS KMS to encrypt data safely. It uses the concept of data-keys to encrypt messages but these data keys are themselves encrypted by a Key-Encryption-Key (or KEK, sometimes also called Customer Master Key) with the resulting ciphertext stored with the encrypted data (the “wrapped” data-key).


NOTE: This is Alpha software and should not be used in production

Encrypt a message with a local Key Provider

The SimpleKeyProvider allows envelope encryption to be used with a local key.

use envelopers::{EnvelopeCipher, SimpleKeyProvider};

use hex_literal::hex;
let kek: [u8; 16] = hex!("00010203 04050607 08090a0b 0c0d0e0f");
let key_provider = SimpleKeyProvider::init(kek);

let cipher: EnvelopeCipher<SimpleKeyProvider> = EnvelopeCipher::init(
let er = cipher.encrypt(b"hey there monkey boy").await.unwrap();

Encoding a CipherText

let bytes = er.to_vec().unwrap();

Decrypting a CipherText

use envelopers::{EnvelopeCipher, SimpleKeyProvider, EncryptedRecord};

let dec = EncryptedRecord::from_vec(bytes).unwrap();
let pt = cipher.decrypt(&dec).await.unwrap();

assert!(std::str::from_utf8(&pt).unwrap() == "hey there monkey boy");


pub use errors::DecryptionError;
pub use errors::EncryptionError;
pub use errors::KeyDecryptionError;
pub use errors::KeyGenerationError;




Type Definitions

AES-GCM keys