initSidebarItems({"mod":[["mode","A generic interface over the two kinds of detection modes currently available to the **EnvelopeDetector**."],["peak","Peak envelope detection over a signal."],["rms","Root mean square calculation over a signal."]],"struct":[["EnvelopeDetector","Iteratively extracts the amplitude envelope from an audio signal based on three parameters:"],["Mono","A channel mode used by the **EnvelopeDetector** when envelope detection is only needed on a single channel."],["MultiChannel","A channel mode that allows the **EnvelopeDetector** to handle any number of audio channels."]],"type":[["MonoEnvelopeDetector","A single channel **EnvelopeDetector** generic over its detection mode."],["MultiChannelEnvelopeDetector","A multi-channel **EnvelopeDetector** generic over its detection mode."]]});