    // Attributes available to this derive:
Expand description

Macro to generate getters/setters for common fields in an enum. Meaning, that if every variant of your enum has some field, you could access it though field(), field_mut() or into_field() accessors respectively.

For example if you have common field key of type String you’ll use the macro like this:

use enum_common_fields::EnumCommonFields;

#[common_field(mut key: String)]
enum MyEnum {
    // Some variants

and will have methods .key() and .key_mut() that return &String and &mut String respectively. If you don’t want to create .key_mut() accessor, you can omit mut in the declaration like this:

#[common_field(key: String)]
enum MyEnum {
    // Some variants

Generated accessor functions contain only match statement on current enum instance and extraction of the field in each branch.

Basic Usage

Add #[derive(EnumCommonFields)] above your enum and #[common_field(field_name: Type)] after it for every common field you need to generate accessors for:

struct VariantOne {
    key: String

#[common_field(key: String)]
enum MyEnum {
    VariantTwo {
        key: String
let my_enum = MyEnum::VariantOne (VariantOne { key: "Example".into() });
assert_eq!(my_enum.key(), "Example");

You can add mut to common_field annotation to also generate <field_name>_mut() accessor that returns mutable reference and own to also add into_<field_name>() accessor that consumes original instance:

struct VariantTwo {
    key: String

#[common_field(own key: String)] // Generates read-only, mutable and owning accessors
enum MyEnum {
    VariantOne {
        key: String

let mut my_enum = MyEnum::VariantOne { key: "Example".into() };
assert_eq!(my_enum.key(), "Example");

my_enum.key_mut().push_str(" Mutated"); // Mutable access
assert_eq!(my_enum.key(), "Example Mutated");

let key: String = my_enum.into_key(); // Consuming MyEnum instance, and getting owned String instance
assert_eq!(key, "Example Mutated".to_string())

As you can see, both struct variants and tuple variants with a single struct are supported. Enums with unit variants or multiple things in a tuple variant are not.


common_field annotation without access modifier generates only immutable accessor. mut_only generates only mutable one, and own_only only owning one. mut generates both mutable and immutable accessors, and own (and it’s alias all) generate both of those and also the owning one. If you need only mutable and owning accessor, or only immutable and owning you’ll need to add more than one accessor per field:

struct VariantOne {
    key: String

struct VariantTwo {
    key: String

#[common_field(key: String)] // Generate only immutable accessor
#[common_field(own_only key: String)] // And only owning accessor
enum MyEnum {


Type in the #[common_field] annotation is used only as a return type of the accessor. So you if you generate only reference accessors (or you generate owning accessor in a different annotation) you can use type that Derefs from the original field type instead of it itself. Classic example is using str instead of String for reference accessors:

#[common_field(mut key: str)]
#[common_field(own_only key: String)]
enum MyEnum {
    One { key: String }
let mut e = MyEnum::One { key: "k".to_string() };
let key_ref = e.key(); // returns "k" as &str instead or &String
let key_mut_ref = e.key_mut(); // returns "k" as &mut str instead or &mut String
let key = e.into_key(); // consumes e and returns "k" as actual String


You can use as getter_name in the common_field annotation to rename generated function name. You can use as only in common_field annotations with modifiers that generate only one accessor (own_only/mut_only/no modifier). If you need to rename more than one accessor for one field you once more will need to add more than one annotation per field:

struct VariantOne {
    key: String

struct VariantTwo {
    key: String

#[common_field(key as k: String)]
#[common_field(mut_only key as k_mut: String)]
#[common_field(own_only key as into_k: String)]
enum MyEnum {

let mut my_enum = MyEnum::VariantOne(VariantOne { key: "Example".into() });
assert_eq!(my_enum.k(), "Example");

my_enum.k_mut().push_str(" Mutated"); // Mutable access
assert_eq!(my_enum.k(), "Example Mutated");

let key: String = my_enum.into_k(); // Consuming MyEnum instance, and getting owned String instance
assert_eq!(key, "Example Mutated".to_string())

If you want, you can generate multiple accessors with different names for the same field:

#[common_field(key: String)] // Generates accessor named key()
#[common_field(key as k: String)] // Generates accessor named k()
#[common_field(key as get_key: String)] // Generates accessor named get_key()
enum MyEnum {
    VariantOne { key: String, /* other fields */ },
    VariantTwo { key: String, /* other fields */ },