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(Deprecated) Syntax sugar for implementing dynamic-dispatch inverted dependencies.

Note: This macro is deprecated. Use #[entrait(dyn)] impl TraitImpl for Type {} syntax instead.

The syntax is the same as for entrait_impl.

The only difference is that this version of the macro must be used when the trait delegation happens via dynamic dispatch (delegate_by = Borrow):

#[entrait(TraitImpl, delegate_by = Borrow)]
pub trait Trait {
    fn foo(&self) -> i32;

mod my_dynamic_impl {
    pub fn foo(_deps: &impl std::any::Any) -> i32 {

    pub struct MyDynamicImpl;

struct App(my_dynamic_impl::MyDynamicImpl);

impl std::borrow::Borrow<dyn TraitImpl<Self>> for App {
    fn borrow(&self) -> &dyn TraitImpl<Self> {

fn test() {
    assert_eq!(42, Impl::new(App(my_dynamic_impl::MyDynamicImpl)).foo());
} // demo