Crate entity_data
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A container for entity component data.
Use Case
Suppose you need to store large amounts of objects, each of which can have different fields. But you don’t want to use Rust’s dynamic-dispatch feature for the following reasons:
- Virtual dispatch induces indirection.
- You will have to store every object somewhere on heap. That leads to cache-misses and hence slower iteration over the objects.
Data-oriented programming helps to overcome these issues.
The Architecture
An entity is an identifier for an object. Each entity can have multiple components (“fields”) associated with it. The storage of all components itself is based on ECS technique.
A unique set of components is called an Archetype
An archetype maintains a contiguous vector for each of its component types.
Simple usage:
use entity_data::{EntityStorage, Archetype};
struct Barks {
bark_sound: String,
impl Barks {
fn bark(&self) {
println!("{}", self.bark_sound);
struct Eats {
favorite_food: String,
eaten_food: Vec<String>,
impl Eats {
fn eat(&mut self, food: String) {
struct Animal {
weight: f32,
habitat: String,
struct Dog {
animal: Animal,
barks: Barks,
eats: Eats,
struct Bird(Animal, Eats);
fn main() {
let mut storage = EntityStorage::new();
let super_dog_entity = storage.add(Dog {
animal: Animal { weight: 30.0, habitat: "forest".to_string(), },
barks: Barks { bark_sound: "bark.ogg".to_string(), },
eats: Eats { favorite_food: "meat".to_string(), eaten_food: vec![] },
let hummingbird_entity = storage.add(Bird(
Animal { weight: 5.0, habitat: "gardens".to_string()},
Eats { favorite_food: "apples".to_string(), eaten_food: vec![] }
let mut super_dog = storage.entry_mut(&super_dog_entity).unwrap();
let super_dog_barks = super_dog.get::<Barks>().unwrap();
let super_dog_eats = super_dog.get_mut::<Eats>().unwrap();
super_dog_eats.favorite_food = "beans".to_string();
let hummingbird_eats = storage.get_mut::<Eats>(&hummingbird_entity).unwrap();"seeds".to_string());
pub use archetype::component::Component;
pub use archetype::entities::ArchetypeEntities;
pub use archetype::ArchetypeStorage;
pub use entity::EntityId;
pub use entity_storage::EntityStorage;
pub use entry::Entry;
pub use entry::EntryMut;
pub use state::AnyState;
pub use state::ArchetypeState;
pub use state::StaticArchetype;
pub use system::System;
pub use system::SystemAccess;
pub use system::SystemHandler;
Derive Macros
- Implements archetype capabilities for