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High level API for interacting with neural network agents.


A channel for receiving an agent action returned by AgentOps::act_async or Agent::act_async_dyn.
An observation that defines what an agent can see.
Agent that samples all actions uniformly at random.
Agent that implements the RogueNet entity neural network. Can be loaded from checkpoints produced by enn-trainer.
Bevy asset containing a RogueNetAgent.
Bevy asset loader for loading .roguenet checkpoint archives as RogueNetAssets.
Used during training to interface with an external agent implementation.
An Environment implementation that is paired with one or more TrainAgent.
Used to export an application defines its own run loop and contains one or more Agents to Python as a PyVecEnv.


Defines a categorical action. Can be derived for enums.
Agents are given observations and return actions.
Augments the Agent trait with more ergonomic typed versions of the Agent::act_dyn and Agent::act_async_dyn methods.
A data structure that can be serialized into a data format that can be processed by a neural network.


Loads an agent from a checkpoint directory.
Loads an agent from an archive of a checkpoint directory.
Returns a boxed RandomAgent.
Returns a boxed RandomAgent with the given seed.

Derive Macros