Module encdec::derive

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Macros for deriving primitive Decode and Encode implementations on types containing decodable/encodable fields.

These derivations are intended to be stable, however, if you’re using these macros to implement a specific protocol you really should write tests to ensure the binary encoding matches your expectations.


Derive macros provide a simple way to implement Encode and Decode for objects with (enc|dec)odable fields by (de)serializing each field in order. For detail on derived implementations see the Encode and Decode macros.

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Encode, Decode)]
struct Something {
    a: u8,
    b: u16,
    c: u8,

let a1 = Something{ a: 0x10, b: 0xabcd, c: 0x11 };
let n1 = a1.encode(&mut buff[..]).unwrap();

// Encoded data is little endian, ordered by struct field
assert_eq!(&buff[..n1], &[0x10, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x11]);

let (a2, n2) = Something::decode(&buff[..n1]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(a1, a2);


Error Types

Derived error types may be overridden with a struct level attribute #[encdec(error = "E")] where E is a user error type implementing From<encdec::Error>

Encode/Decode methods

Field encode/decode methods may be overridden using a field level attribute #[encdec(with = "M")] on a field of type T, where M is a module providing:

  • fn enc(&T, &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, E>
  • fn enc_len(&T) -> Result<usize, E>
  • fn dec(&[u8]) -> Result<(T, usize), E>

Individual methods may be overridden if required using #[encdec(enc = "..", enc_len = "..", dec = "..")] with the same type signatures / constraints as above.

Derive Macros

#[derive(Decode)] support.
#[derive(DecodeOwned)] support.
#[derive(Encode)] support.