Macro embuild::cmd_build

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macro_rules! cmd_build {
    ($builder:ident $(, $(@$cmdargs:expr,)* $cmdarg:expr)* $(; $($k:ident = $v:tt),*)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Build a command using a given std::process::Command or Cmd and return it.

The first argument is expected to be a std::process::Command or Cmd instance.

For a new builder the second argument, the program to run (passed to std::process::Command::new) is mandatory. Every comma seperated argument thereafter is added to the command’s arguments. Arguments after an @-sign specify collections of arguments (specifically impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<OsStr>). The opional key=value arguments after a semicolon are simply translated to calling the std::process::Command::<key> method with value as its arguments.

Note: @-arguments must be followed by at least one normal argument. For example cmd_build!(new, "cmd", @args) will not compile but cmd_build!(new, "cmd", @args, "other") will. You can use key=value arguments to work around this limitation: cmd_build!(new, "cmd"; args=(args)).

At the end the built std::process::Command is returned.


let args_list = ["--foo", "--bar", "value"];
let mut cmd = Cmd::new("git");
let mut cmd = cmd_build!(cmd, @args_list, "clone"; arg=(""), env=("var", "value"));