[][src]Macro em::get_buffer_key

macro_rules! get_buffer_key {
    ($i:ident) => { ... };

A macro for getting key to access a Buffer in the buffers field of a Gpu.

Given a value data, you can get the *const [f32] index with get_buffer_key!(data). Note that data must have an as_slice() method defined for its type. As an example data could be of type Vec. This should really only be used if you want to drop down to low-level OpenCL for maximum performance gain.

Here's a quick example.

#[gpu_use] // this inserts a "let gpu = Gpu { ... };" at the start of the main function
fn main() {
    let data = vec![0.0; 1000];
    let buffer: &ocl::Buffer<f32> = gpu.buffers.get(&get_buffer_key!(data)).unwrap();

    // do something with buffer...