[][src]Attribute Macro em::gpu_use


A procedural macro for using the GPU to store data and accelerate parts of code in the tagged function.

While this is technically what looks through your code for gpu_do!() declarations and expands them in ways that potentially accelerate your code, you should think about this more as the "passing" part of Emu rather than the "acceleration" part.

Well, what do I mean by passing? I've talked in other parts of the docs about the "GPU being in scope" or "passing the GPU around". I literally mean an identifier gpu that references an instance of Gpu and holds all information about the physical GPU that Emu needs to know. Why do we need to "pass" this Gpu instance from function to function? Well, we would like only 1 instance of Gpu to exist throughout an entire application. Even if you are using other libaries, those libraries should be using this 1 instance of Gpu. The way we accomplish this is by modifying functions (that use the GPU) to accept as input, return as output, pass around the Gpu instance. That "modification" of functions is done by this macro.

So, how do I do passing? If you correctly tag your function with #[gpu_use], it's function signature will be modified and its contents will be modified so as to allow gpu, a Gpu instance, to be used in the function body. To correctly tag your function with #[gpu_use], you must list the "helper functions" of the tagged function.

#[gpu_use(multiply, add_one_then_double)]
fn main() {
    let mut data = vec![0.1; 1000];

    data = multiply(data, 10.0);
    data = add_one_then_double(data);

    println!("{:?}", data);

In this above example, the helper functions of the tagged function are multiply and add_one_then_double. What would those helper functions look like themselves?

fn multiply(mut data: Vec<f32>, scalar: f32) -> Vec<f32> {
    for i in 0..1000 {
        data[i] = data[i] * scalar;


#[gpu_use(add_one_then_double, multiply)]
fn add_one_then_double(mut data: Vec<f32>) -> Vec<f32> {
    for i in 0..1000 {
        data[i] = data[i] + 1.0;
    data = multiply(data, 2.0);


#[gpu_use(multiply, add_one_then_double)]
fn main() {
    let mut data = vec![0.1; 1000];

    data = multiply(data, 10.0);
    data = add_one_then_double(data);

There is, admittedly, a lot going on here. But there is just one thing I want you to focus on - the #[gpu_use()] invocations/tags. Focus on that. See how different functions have different helper functions. First look at the main function and its helper functions and then look at the other two functions. You will see that the helper functions of a function are each only one of 2 things.

  1. A function called from inside the function body that uses the GPU (is tagged with #[gpu_use])
  2. The function itself, if it can be a helper function to another function

Looking at the above example you should be able to justify each helper function listed for each function, using the above 2 cases. Note that the main function doesn't list itself as a helper function and that is because it doesn't need the GPU passed to it ever.