Crate elastic_reqwest [] [src]

Elasticsearch REST API Client

A lightweight implementation of the Elasticsearch API based on the reqwest HTTP client.

Each API endpoint is represented as its own function, so each possible http route gets its own function. This library makes very few assumptions, leaving it up to you to decide what to invest your precious CPU cycles into.

The entire API is generated from the official Elasticsearch spec, so it's always current.

Supported Versions

elastic_types Elasticsearch
0.x 5.x


This crate is on To get started, add elastic_reqwest and reqwest to your Cargo.toml:

elastic_requests = "*"
elastic_reqwest = "*"
reqwest = "*"

For Windows, you may need to exclude openssl or the build can fail:

elastic_requests = "*"
elastic_reqwest = { version = "*", default-features = false }

Then reference in your crate root:

extern crate elastic_requests as req;
extern crate elastic_reqwest as cli;

Minimal Example

Ping the availability of your cluster:


use cli::ElasticClient;
use req::PingRequest;

let (client, params) = cli::default().unwrap();

client.elastic_req(&params, PingRequest::new()).unwrap();

Search Request with Url Param

Execute a search query with a url parameter:

//HTTP GET /myindex/mytype/_search?q='my string'

extern crate reqwest;
extern crate elastic_requests as req;
extern crate elastic_reqwest as cli;
use cli::{ ElasticClient, RequestParams };
use req::SimpleSearchRequest;

let (client, _) = cli::default().unwrap();

let params = RequestParams::default()
        ("q", "'my string'".to_owned()),
        ("pretty", "true".to_owned())

let search = SimpleSearchRequest::for_index_ty(
    "myindex", "mytype"

client.elastic_req(&params, search).unwrap();

Search Request with Json

Using the json_str crate, you can execute queries using pure json:

//HTTP POST /myindex/mytype/_search

extern crate json_str;
extern crate elastic_requests as req;
extern crate elastic_reqwest as cli;
use cli::ElasticClient;
use req::SearchRequest;

let (client, params) = cli::default().unwrap();

let search = SearchRequest::for_index_ty(
    "myindex", "mytype",
        query: {
            filtered: {
                query: {
                    match_all: {}
                filter: {
                    geo_distance: {
                        distance: "20km",
                        location: {
                            lat: 37.776,
                            lon: -122.41

client.elastic_req(&params, search).unwrap();

See more examples.

See Also


An alternative Elasticsearch client for Rust that provides an implementation of the Query DSL.


A library that implements the core datatypes in Elasticsearch documents and automatically generates a json mapping from your Rust structures.


A library for generating minified json strings from Rust syntax.




Misc parameters for any request.



Represents a client that can send Elasticsearch requests.



Get a default Client and RequestParams.