Trait elastic::types::string::prelude::TextMapping [] [src]

pub trait TextMapping: Default + Default {
    fn analyzer() -> Option<&'static str> { ... }
fn boost() -> Option<f32> { ... }
fn eager_global_ordinals() -> Option<bool> { ... }
fn fielddata() -> Option<bool> { ... }
fn fielddata_frequency_filter() -> Option<FieldDataFrequencyFilter> { ... }
fn fields() -> Option<BTreeMap<&'static str, StringField>> { ... }
fn include_in_all() -> Option<bool> { ... }
fn ignore_above() -> Option<u32> { ... }
fn index() -> Option<bool> { ... }
fn index_options() -> Option<IndexOptions> { ... }
fn norms() -> Option<bool> { ... }
fn position_increment_gap() -> Option<u32> { ... }
fn store() -> Option<bool> { ... }
fn search_analyzer() -> Option<&'static str> { ... }
fn search_quote_analyzer() -> Option<&'static str> { ... }
fn similarity() -> Option<&'static str> { ... }
fn term_vector() -> Option<TermVector> { ... } }

The base requirements for mapping a string type.

Custom mappings can be defined by implementing TextMapping.


Define a custom TextMapping:

struct MyStringMapping;
impl TextMapping for MyStringMapping {
    //Overload the mapping functions here
    fn boost() -> Option<f32> {

This will produce the following mapping:

    "type": "text",
    "boost": 1.5

Provided Methods

The analyzer which should be used for analyzed string fields, both at index-time and at search-time (unless overridden by the search_analyzer). Defaults to the default index analyzer, or the standard analyzer.

Field-level index time boosting. Accepts a floating point number, defaults to 1.0.

Should global ordinals be loaded eagerly on refresh? Accepts true or false (default). Enabling this is a good idea on fields that are frequently used for (significant) terms aggregations.

Can the field use in-memory fielddata for sorting, aggregations, or scripting? Accepts true or false (default).

Expert settings which allow to decide which values to load in memory when fielddata is enabled. By default all values are loaded.

Multi-fields allow the same string value to be indexed in multiple ways for different purposes, such as one field for search and a multi-field for sorting and aggregations, or the same string value analyzed by different analyzers.


Subfields are provided as simple structs, so you don't need to define a separate type to map them:

fn fields() -> Option<BTreeMap<&'static str, StringField>> {
    let mut fields = BTreeMap::new();

    //Add a `token_count` as a sub field
    fields.insert("count", StringField::TokenCount(

    //Add a `completion` suggester as a sub field
    fields.insert("comp", StringField::Completion(


Whether or not the field value should be included in the _all field? Accepts true or false. Defaults to false if index is set to no, or if a parent object field sets include_in_all to false. Otherwise defaults to true.

The maximum number of characters to index. Any characters over this length will be ignored.

Should the field be searchable? Accepts true (default) or false.

What information should be stored in the index, for search and highlighting purposes. Defaults to Positions.

Whether field-length should be taken into account when scoring queries. Accepts true (default) or false.

The number of fake term position which should be inserted between each element of an array of strings. Defaults to the position_increment_gap configured on the analyzer which defaults to 100. 100 was chosen because it prevents phrase queries with reasonably large slops (less than 100) from matching terms across field values.

Whether the field value should be stored and retrievable separately from the _source field. Accepts true or false (default).

The analyzer that should be used at search time on analyzed fields. Defaults to the analyzer setting.

The analyzer that should be used at search time when a phrase is encountered. Defaults to the search_analyzer setting.

Which scoring algorithm or similarity should be used. Defaults to "classic", which uses TF/IDF.

Whether term vectors should be stored for an analyzed field. Defaults to No.
