Module elastic::client::responses::parse [] [src]

Utility types for response parsing.


Implement IsOk for a deserialisable type that converts a http response into a concrete type. This example defines a search response that, for whatever reason, only includes the took field:

struct MyResponse {
    took: u64

impl IsOk for MyResponse {
    fn is_ok<B>(head: HttpResponseHead, body: Unbuffered<B>) -> Result<MaybeOkResponse<B>, ParseResponseError>
        where B: ResponseBody
        match head.status() {
            // If the status is 2xx then return the response with `ok: true`
            // The body will be parsed as a `MyResponse`.
            200...299 => Ok(MaybeOkResponse::ok(body)),
            // Otherwise return the response with `ok: false`
            // The body will be parsed as an `ApiError`.
            _ => Ok(MaybeOkResponse::err(body))

The MyResponse type can then be used for deserialising a concrete response:

let response = client.request(req)

match response {
    Ok(response) => {
        println!("took: {}", response.took);
    Err(e) => {
        match *e.kind() {
            ErrorKind::Api(ref e) => {
                // handle a REST API error
            ref e => {
                // handle a HTTP or JSON error

You can also parse the response body into a temporary serde_json::Value if the status code isn't enough to determine if it's ok. This will consume the UnbufferedResponse and return a BufferedResponse instead that keeps the response body private for later handlers to use. See the IsOk trait for more details.



A response body that has been buffered.


The non-body component of the HTTP response.


A response that might be successful or an ApiError.


A response body that hasn't been buffered yet.



A response body that may or may not have been buffered.


An error parsing a response stream.



Convert a response message into a either a success or failure result.


A http response body that can be buffered into a json value.