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pub use either::Either;
use Either::*;
/// Extention trait to create the Either type from a boolean. Can be implemented on any type.
pub trait Eitherable {
/// If the boolean is true, returns `Either::Left(left)`. If it is false, returns `Either::Right(right)`.
/// `left` and `right` are evaluated eagerly. For lazy evaluation, use `either_else()`
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use eitherable::*;
/// let x = true;
/// assert_eq!(x.either(1, "right"), Either::Left(1));
/// let x = false;
/// assert_eq!(x.either(1, "right"), Either::Right("right"));
/// ```
fn either<L, R>(&self, left: L, right: R) -> Either<L, R>;
/// Same as `either()`, but the values are lazily evaluated.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use eitherable::*;
/// let x = true;
/// assert_eq!(x.either_else(|| 1,|| "right"), Either::Left(1));
/// let x = false;
/// assert_eq!(x.either_else(|| 1,|| "right"), Either::Right("right"));
/// ```
fn either_else<L, FL: FnOnce() -> L, R, FR: FnOnce() -> R>(
l_func: FL,
r_func: FR,
) -> Either<L, R>;
impl Eitherable for bool {
fn either<L, R>(&self, left: L, right: R) -> Either<L, R> {
if *self {
} else {
fn either_else<L, FL: FnOnce() -> L, R, FR: FnOnce() -> R>(
l_func: FL,
r_func: FR,
) -> Either<L, R> {
if *self {
} else {