Module ehelply::apis::users_api

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struct for typed errors of method confirm_signup
struct for typed errors of method create_participant
struct for typed errors of method create_user
struct for typed errors of method delete_participant
struct for typed errors of method delete_user
struct for typed errors of method get_participant
struct for typed errors of method get_user
struct for typed errors of method login
struct for typed errors of method refresh_token
struct for typed errors of method reset_password
struct for typed errors of method search_participants
struct for typed errors of method signup
struct for typed errors of method update_participant
struct for typed errors of method update_user
struct for typed errors of method user_validations


Validates a user signup with a given confirmation
Creates a participant given the participant info (meta and user_id)
Usually ran after login and will do the following: - If no user exists (AKA signed in with social media) it will create a new user and default participant - If a user exists, sync Cognito data from Cognito to the user - Determine missing fields that SHOULD be filled
Delete participants related to the given participant_id, returns True if successful
Soft deletes the user with the provided user id, granted the deleter is the same person or an admin. Returns True if successful
Gets a participant given their participant ID
Gets the user object given user id (uuid) or cognito id (cognito)
Login endpoint, returns tokens. EMAIL NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED (can be done through the email the user received).
Refreshes tokens given a refresh token.
Sends the user an email with a confirmation code so they can reset their password
Resets the given user’s password to the given password when the proper code is provided
Search participants using a user uuid, returns pagination information and list of items (ParticipantUserReturn from GET Participant). Can search on "user_uuid", and sort on any field. To search enter search value into "search" query param and the field into "search on" (currently only "user"uuid"). For sorting fill out "sort_desc" field with either true/false and the "sort_on" query parameter with column you want to sort on (ex: date_created). Max pagination items per page is 50.
Signup to eHelply, creates a user and default participant behind the scenes. Does not verify email.
Update participant data given
Update the given user and sync the cognito data
Validates a certain field.