Module ehelply::apis::staff_api

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struct for typed errors of method create_staff
struct for typed errors of method delete_staff
struct for typed errors of method get_staff
struct for typed errors of method search_staff
struct for typed errors of method update_staff


Creates a staff member
Deletes the staff member with the given ID and returns True if successful
Gets the staff member information given the staff ID
TODO Item return format: { uuid **type:** string project_uuid **type:** string or None entity **type:** string or None place **type:** dict or None company **type:** dict or None schedule **type:** dict or None catalog **type:** dict or None reviews **type:** dict or None created_at **type:** string or None updated_at **type:** string or None deleted_at **type:** string or None }
Update staff with given info, only updating the fields supplied. Staff Uuid must be sent however.