Module ehelply::apis::companies_api

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Deletes the company with the given ID and returns True if successful
Gets the company information given the Place ID
Search all companies and returns paginated results with Companies being stored in items field. Can search by project_uuid, name, email string fields or the is_public and is_deleted boolean fields. To search with these fields use query params with string values. For sorting fill out "sort_desc" field with either true/false and the "sort_on" query parameter with column you want to sort on (ex: name). Max pagination items per page is 50. Item return format: { uuid **type:** string project_uuid **type:** string or None meta_uuid **type:** string or None catalog_data **type:** dict or None review_group_data **type:** dict or None schedule_data **type:** dict or None blog_data **type:** dict or None tags **type:** [TagBase] or None categories **type:** [CategoryBase] or None places **type:** PlaceBase or None created_at **type:** string or None updated_at **type:** string or None deleted_at **type:** string or None }
Update company with given info, only updating the fields supplied. Company Uuid must be sent however.