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egui_nodes: A Egui port of imnodes
§Using egui_nodes
There are some simple examples here
Here is the basic usage:
pub fn example_graph(ctx: &mut Context, links: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>, ui: &mut Ui) {
// add nodes with attributes
let nodes = vec![
NodeConstructor::new(0, Default::default())
.with_title(|ui| ui.label("Example Node A"))
.with_input_attribute(0, Default::default(), |ui| ui.label("Input"))
.with_static_attribute(1, |ui| ui.label("Can't Connect to Me"))
.with_output_attribute(2, Default::default(), |ui| ui.label("Output")),
NodeConstructor::new(1, Default::default())
.with_title(|ui| ui.label("Example Node B"))
.with_static_attribute(3, |ui| ui.label("Can't Connect to Me"))
.with_output_attribute(4, Default::default(), |ui| ui.label("Output"))
.with_input_attribute(5, Default::default(), |ui| ui.label("Input"))
// add them to the ui
links.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, (start, end))| (i, *start, *end, LinkArgs::default())),
// remove destroyed links
if let Some(idx) = ctx.link_destroyed() {
// add created links
if let Some((start, end, _)) = ctx.link_created() {
links.push((start, end))
- The Context that tracks the state of the node editor
- This controls the modifers needed for certain mouse interactions
- The Color Style of a Link. If feilds are None then the Context style is used
- The Style of a Node. If feilds are None then the Context style is used
- Used to construct a node and stores the relevant ui code for its title and attributes This is used so that the nodes can be rendered in the context depth order
- The Visual Style of a Link. If feilds are None then the Context style is used. shape defualts to CircleFilled
- The style used by a context Example:
- Controls the way that attribute pins behave
- Represents different color style values used by a Context
- Used to track which Egui Modifier needs to be pressed for certain IO actions
- Controls the shape of an attribut pin. Triangle and TriangleFilled are not currently implemented and will not be drawn
- Controls some style aspects
- Represents different style values used by a Context