Module egg::tutorials::_03_explanations[][src]

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It’s often useful to know exactly why two terms are equivalent in the egraph. For example, if you are trying to debug incorrect rules, it would be useful to have a trace of rewrites showing how an example given bad equivalence was found. egg uses an algorithm adapted from Proof-Producing Congruence Closure in order to generate such Explanations between two given terms.

Consider this program, which prints a FlatExplanation showing how (/ (* (/ 2 3) (/ 3 2)) 1) can be simplified to 1:

use egg::{*, rewrite as rw};
let rules: &[Rewrite<SymbolLang, ()>] = &[
    rw!("div-one"; "?x" => "(/ ?x 1)"),
    rw!("unsafe-invert-division"; "(/ ?a ?b)" => "(/ 1 (/ ?b ?a))"),
    rw!("simplify-frac"; "(/ ?a (/ ?b ?c))" => "(/ (* ?a ?c) (* (/ ?b ?c) ?c))"),
    rw!("cancel-denominator"; "(* (/ ?a ?b) ?b)" => "?a"),
    rw!("times-zero"; "(* ?a 0)" => "0"),

let start = "(/ (* (/ 2 3) (/ 3 2)) 1)".parse().unwrap();
let end = "1".parse().unwrap();
let mut runner = Runner::default().with_explanations_enabled().with_expr(&start).run(rules);

println!("{}", runner.explain_equivalence(&start, &end).get_flat_string());

The output of the program is a series of s-expressions annotated with the rewrite being performed:

(/ (* (/ 2 3) (/ 3 2)) 1)
(Rewrite<= div-one (* (/ 2 3) (/ 3 2)))
(* (Rewrite=> unsafe-invert-division (/ 1 (/ 3 2))) (/ 3 2))
(Rewrite=> cancel-denominator 1)

At each step, the part of the term being rewritten is annotated with the rule being applied. Each term besides the first term has exactly one rewrite annotation. Rewrite=> indicates that the previous term is rewritten to the current term and Rewrite<= indicates that the current term is rewritten to the previous term.

It turns out that these rules can easily lead to undesirable results in the egraph. For example, with just 0 as the starting term, the egraph finds that 0 is equivalent to 1 within a few iterations. Here’s the flattened explanation that egg generates:

(Rewrite<= times-zero (* (/ 1 0) 0))
(Rewrite=> cancel-denominator 1)

This tells you how the egraph got from 0 to 1, but it’s not clear why. In fact, normally the rules times-zero and cancel-denominator are perfectly reasonable. However, in the presence of a division by zero, they lead to arbitrary unions in the egraph. So the true problem is the presense of the term (/ 1 0). For these kinds of questions, egg provides the explain_existance function which can be used to get an explanation of why a term exists in the egraph in the first place.

Explanation Trees

So far we have looked at the FlatExplanation represenation of explanations because they are the most human-readable. But explanations can also be used for automatic testing or translation validation of egraph results, so the flat representation is not always necessary. In fact, the flattened representation misses the opportunity to share parts of the explanation among several different terms. Egraphs tend to generate explanations with a large amount of duplication of explanations from one term to another, making explanation-sharing very important. To solve this problem, egg provides the TreeExplanation representation.

Here’s an example TreeExplanation in string form:

(+ 1 (- a (* (- 2 1) a)))
      (- a (* (- 2 1) a))
          (* (- 2 1) a)
          (* (Explanation (- 2 1) (Rewrite=> constant_fold 1)) a)
          (Rewrite=> comm-mul (* a 1))
          (Rewrite<= mul-one a)))
      (Rewrite=> cancel-sub 0)))
 (Rewrite=> constant_fold 1)

The big difference between FlatExplanation and TreeExplanation is that now children of terms can contain explanations themselves. So a TreeTerm can have have each of their children be rewritten from an initial term to a final term, making the representation more compact. In addition, the string format supports let bindings in order to allow sharing of explantions:

  (v_0 (- 2 1))
    (v_1 (- 2 (Explanation v_0 (Rewrite=> constant_fold 1))))
      (* (- 2 (- 2 1)) (- 2 (- 2 1)))
        (Explanation (- 2 (- 2 1)) v_1 (Rewrite=> constant_fold 1))
        (Explanation (- 2 (- 2 1)) v_1 (Rewrite=> constant_fold 1)))
      (Rewrite=> constant_fold 1))))

As you can see, the let binding allows for sharing the term v_1. There are other duplicate expressions that could be let bound, but are not because egg only binds shared sub-terms found during the explanation generation process.

Besides the string forms, TreeExplanation and FlatExplanation encode the same information as Rust objects. For proof sharing, each Rc<TreeTerm> in the TreeExplanation can be checked for pointer equality with other terms.