Module egg::tutorials::_02_getting_started[][src]

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My first egg 🐣

This tutorial is aimed at getting you up and running with egg, even if you have little Rust experience. If you haven’t heard about e-graphs, you may want to read the background tutorial. If you do have prior Rust experience, you may want to skim around in this section.

Getting started with Rust

Rust is one of the reasons why egg is fast (systems programming + optimizing compiler) and flexible (generics and traits).

The Rust folks have put together a great, free book for learning Rust, and there are a bunch of other fantastic resources collected on the “Learn” page of the Rust site. This tutorial is no replacement for those, but instead it aims to get you up and running as fast as possible.

First, install Rust and let’s create a project with cargo, Rust’s package management and build tool: cargo new my-first-egg.1

Now we can add egg as a project dependency by adding a line to Cargo.toml:

egg = "0.7.0"

All of the code samples below work, but you’ll have to use the relevant types. You can just bring them all in with a use egg::*; at the top of your file.

Now you’re speaking my Language

EGraphs (and almost everything else in this crate) are parameterized over the Language given by the user. While egg supports the ability easily create your own Language, we will instead start with the provided SymbolLang.

Language is a trait, and values of types that implement Language are e-nodes. An e-node may have any number of children, which are Ids. An Id is basically just a number that egg uses to coordinate what children an e-node is associated with. In an EGraph, e-node children refer to e-classes. In a RecExpr (egg’s version of a plain old expression), e-node children refer to other e-nodes in that RecExpr.

Most Languages, including SymbolLang, can be parsed and pretty-printed. That means that RecExprs in those languages implement the FromStr and Display traits from the Rust standard library.

// Since parsing can return an error, `unwrap` just panics if the result doesn't return Ok
let my_expression: RecExpr<SymbolLang> = "(foo a b)".parse().unwrap();
println!("this is my expression {}", my_expression);

// let's try to create an e-node, but hmmm, what do I put as the children?
let my_enode = SymbolLang::new("bar", vec![]);

Some e-nodes are just constants and have no children (also called leaves). But it’s intentionally kind of awkward to create e-nodes with children in isolation, since you would have to add meaningless Ids as children. The way to make meaningful Ids is by adding e-nodes to either an EGraph or a RecExpr:

let mut expr = RecExpr::default();
let a = expr.add(SymbolLang::leaf("a"));
let b = expr.add(SymbolLang::leaf("b"));
let foo = expr.add(SymbolLang::new("foo", vec![a, b]));

// we can do the same thing with an EGraph
let mut egraph: EGraph<SymbolLang, ()> = Default::default();
let a = egraph.add(SymbolLang::leaf("a"));
let b = egraph.add(SymbolLang::leaf("b"));
let foo = egraph.add(SymbolLang::new("foo", vec![a, b]));

// we can also add RecExprs to an egraph
let foo2 = egraph.add_expr(&expr);
// note that if you add the same thing to an e-graph twice, you'll get back equivalent Ids
assert_eq!(foo, foo2);

Searching an EGraph with Patterns

Now that we can add stuff to an EGraph, let’s see if we can find it. We’ll use a Pattern, which implements the Searcher trait, to search the e-graph for matches:

// let's make an e-graph
let mut egraph: EGraph<SymbolLang, ()> = Default::default();
let a = egraph.add(SymbolLang::leaf("a"));
let b = egraph.add(SymbolLang::leaf("b"));
let foo = egraph.add(SymbolLang::new("foo", vec![a, b]));

// rebuild the e-graph since we modified it

// we can make Patterns by parsing, similar to RecExprs
// names preceded by ? are parsed as Pattern variables and will match anything
let pat: Pattern<SymbolLang> = "(foo ?x ?x)".parse().unwrap();

// since we use ?x twice, it must match the same thing,
// so this search will return nothing
let matches =;

egraph.union(a, b);
// recall that rebuild must be called to "see" the effects of adds or unions

// now we can find a match since a = b
let matches =;

Using Runner to make an optimizer

Now that we can make Patterns and work with RecExprs, we can make an optimizer! We’ll use the rewrite! macro to easily create Rewrites which consist of a name, left-hand pattern to search for, and right-hand pattern to apply. From there we can use the Runner API to run egg’s equality saturation algorithm. Finally, we can use an Extractor to get the best result.

use egg::{*, rewrite as rw};

let rules: &[Rewrite<SymbolLang, ()>] = &[
    rw!("commute-add"; "(+ ?x ?y)" => "(+ ?y ?x)"),
    rw!("commute-mul"; "(* ?x ?y)" => "(* ?y ?x)"),

    rw!("add-0"; "(+ ?x 0)" => "?x"),
    rw!("mul-0"; "(* ?x 0)" => "0"),
    rw!("mul-1"; "(* ?x 1)" => "?x"),

// While it may look like we are working with numbers,
// SymbolLang stores everything as strings.
// We can make our own Language later to work with other types.
let start = "(+ 0 (* 1 a))".parse().unwrap();

// That's it! We can run equality saturation now.
let runner = Runner::default().with_expr(&start).run(rules);

// Extractors can take a user-defined cost function,
// we'll use the egg-provided AstSize for now
let extractor = Extractor::new(&runner.egraph, AstSize);

// We want to extract the best expression represented in the
// same e-class as our initial expression, not from the whole e-graph.
// Luckily the runner stores the eclass Id where we put the initial expression.
let (best_cost, best_expr) = extractor.find_best(runner.roots[0]);

// we found the best thing, which is just "a" in this case
assert_eq!(best_expr, "a".parse().unwrap());
assert_eq!(best_cost, 1);

  1. By default cargo will create a binary project. If you are just getting starting with Rust, it might be easier to stick with a binary project, just put all your code in main, and use cargo run. Library projects (cargo new --lib my-first-egg) can be easier to build on once you want to start writing tests.