[][src]Macro egg::rewrite

macro_rules! rewrite {
        $lhs:tt => $rhs:tt
        $(if $cond:expr)*
    ) => { ... };
    (@parse $rhs:literal) => { ... };
    (@parse $rhs:expr) => { ... };

A macro to easily make Rewrites.

The rewrite! macro greatly simplifies creating simple, purely syntactic rewrites while also allowing more complex ones.

The simplest form rewrite!(a; b => c) creates a Rewrite with name a, Searcher b, and Applier c. Note that in the b and c position, the macro only accepts a single token tree (see the [macros reference][macros] for more info). In short, that means you should pass in an identifier, literal, or something surrounded by parentheses or braces.

If you pass in a literal to the b or c position, the macro will try to parse it as a Pattern which implements both Searcher and Applier.

The macro also accepts any number of if <expr> forms at the end, where the given expression should implement Condition. For each of these, the macro will wrap the given applier in a ConditionalApplier with the given condition.

define_language! {
    enum SimpleLanguage {
        Add = "+",
        Sub = "-",
        Mul = "*",
        Div = "/",

type EGraph = egg::EGraph<SimpleLanguage, ()>;

let rules: &[Rewrite<SimpleLanguage, ()>] = &[
    rewrite!("commute-add"; "(+ ?a ?b)" => "(+ ?b ?a)"),
    rewrite!("commute-mul"; "(* ?a ?b)" => "(* ?b ?a)"),

    rewrite!("add-0"; "(+ ?a 0)" => "?a"),
    rewrite!("mul-0"; "(* ?a 0)" => "0"),
    rewrite!("mul-1"; "(* ?a 1)" => "?a"),

    rewrite!("silly"; "(* ?a 1)" => { MySillyApplier("foo") }),

             "(/ ?a ?b)" => "(* ?a (/ 1 ?b))"
             if is_not_zero("?b")),

struct MySillyApplier(&'static str);
impl Applier<SimpleLanguage, ()> for MySillyApplier {
    fn apply_one(&self, _: &mut EGraph, _: Id, _: &WildMap) -> Vec<Id> {

// This returns a function that implements Condition
fn is_not_zero(var: &'static str) -> impl Fn(&mut EGraph, Id, &WildMap) -> bool {
    let var = var.parse().unwrap();
    let zero = enode!(SimpleLanguage::Num(0));
    move |egraph, _, mapping| !egraph[mapping[&var][0]].nodes.contains(&zero)