Module egg_mode::service

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Methods to inquire about the Twitter service itself.

The functions included in this module are supplementary queries that are less about specific actions, and more about your interaction with the Twitter service as a whole. For example, this module includes methods to load the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, or to ask about many methods’ rate-limit status or receive information about various configuration elements for broad service-level values. All the structs and enums contained in this module are connected to one of these methods.


Represents a service configuration from Twitter.
Represents the current rate-limit status of many Twitter API calls.


Method identifiers from the direct module, for use by rate_limit_status.
Method identifiers from the list module, for use by rate_limit_status.
Method identifiers from the place module, for use by rate_limit_status.
Method identifiers from the search module, for use by rate_limit_status.
Method identifiers from the service module, for use by rate_limit_status. Also includes verify_tokens from the egg-mode top-level methods.
Method identifiers from the tweet module, for use by rate_limit_status.
Method identifiers from the user module, for use by rate_limit_status.


Returns a future that resolves to the current configuration from Twitter, including the maximum length of a URL and maximum photo resolutions per size, among others.
Returns a future that resolves to the current Twitter Privacy Policy as plain text.
Return the current rate-limit status for all available methods from the authenticated user.
Returns a future that resolves to the current Twitter Terms of Service as plain text.