[][src]Function egg_mode::bearer_token

pub async fn bearer_token<'_>(con_token: &'_ KeyPair) -> Result<Token>

With the given consumer KeyPair, request the current Bearer token to perform Application-only authentication.

If you don't need to use the Twitter API to perform actions on or with specific users, app-only auth provides a much easier way to authenticate with the Twitter API. The Token given by this function can be used to authenticate requests as if there were coming from your app itself. This comes with an important restriction, though: any request that requires a user context - direct messages, viewing protected user profiles, functions like tweet::home_timeline that operate in terms of the authenticated user - will not work with just a Bearer token. Attempts to perform those actions will return an authentication error.

Other things to note about Bearer tokens:

  • Bearer tokens have a higher rate limit for the methods they can be used on, compared to regular Access tokens.
  • The bearer token returned by Twitter is the same token each time you call it. It can be cached and reused as long as you need it.
  • Since a Bearer token can be used to directly authenticate calls to Twitter, it should be treated with the same sensitivity as a password. If you believe your Bearer token to be compromised, call invalidate_bearer with your consumer KeyPair and the Bearer token you need to invalidate. This will cause Twitter to generate a new Bearer token for your application, which will be returned the next time you call this function.

For more information, see the Twitter documentation on Application-only authentication.