initSidebarItems({"enum":[["UserID","Convenience enum to generalize between referring to an account by numeric ID or by screen name."]],"fn":[["access_token","With the given OAuth tokens and verifier, ask Twitter for an access Token that can be used to sign further requests to the Twitter API."],["authenticate_url","With the given request Token, return a URL to redirect a user to so they can accept or reject an authorization request."],["authorize_url","With the given request Token, return a URL that a user can access to accept or reject an authorization request."],["request_token","With the given consumer Token, ask Twitter for a request Token that can be used to request access to the user's account."]],"mod":[["error","A composite error type for errors that can occur while interacting with Twitter."],["user","Structs and methods for pulling user information from Twitter."]],"struct":[["Response","A helper struct to wrap response data with accompanying rate limit information."],["Token","A key/secret pair representing an OAuth token."],["TwitterErrorCode","Represents a specific error returned from a Twitter API call."],["TwitterErrors","Represents a collection of errors returned from a Twitter API call."]]});