Expand description

Interrupt Mask Register


Interrupt Mask Register

Register GINTMSK reader

Register GINTMSK writer

Type Definitions

Field CONIDSTSCHNGMSK reader - Connector ID Status Change Mask host and device

Field CONIDSTSCHNGMSK writer - Connector ID Status Change Mask host and device

Field DISCONNINTMSK reader - Disconnect Detected Interrupt Mask host and device

Field DISCONNINTMSK writer - Disconnect Detected Interrupt Mask host and device

Field ENUMDONEMSK reader - Enumeration Done Mask device only

Field ENUMDONEMSK writer - Enumeration Done Mask device only

Field EOPFMSK reader - End of Periodic Frame Interrupt Mask device only

Field EOPFMSK writer - End of Periodic Frame Interrupt Mask device only

Field ERLYSUSPMSK reader - Early Suspend Mask device only

Field ERLYSUSPMSK writer - Early Suspend Mask device only

Field FETSUSPMSK reader - Data Fetch Suspended Mask device only

Field FETSUSPMSK writer - Data Fetch Suspended Mask device only

Field GINNAKEFFMSK reader - Global Non-periodic IN NAK Effective Mask device only

Field GINNAKEFFMSK writer - Global Non-periodic IN NAK Effective Mask device only

Field GOUTNAKEFFMSK reader - Global OUT NAK Effective Mask device only

Field GOUTNAKEFFMSK writer - Global OUT NAK Effective Mask device only

Field HCHINTMSK reader - Host Channels Interrupt Mask host only

Field HCHINTMSK writer - Host Channels Interrupt Mask host only

Field IEPINTMSK reader - IN Endpoints Interrupt Mask device only

Field IEPINTMSK writer - IN Endpoints Interrupt Mask device only

Field INCOMPISOINMSK reader - Incomplete Isochronous IN Transfer Mask device only

Field INCOMPISOINMSK writer - Incomplete Isochronous IN Transfer Mask device only

Field INCOMPLPMSK reader - Incomplete Periodic Transfer Mask host and device

Field INCOMPLPMSK writer - Incomplete Periodic Transfer Mask host and device

Field ISOOUTDROPMSK reader - Isochronous OUT Packet Dropped Interrupt Mask device only

Field ISOOUTDROPMSK writer - Isochronous OUT Packet Dropped Interrupt Mask device only

Field MODEMISMSK reader - Mode Mismatch Interrupt Mask host and device

Field MODEMISMSK writer - Mode Mismatch Interrupt Mask host and device

Field NPTXFEMPMSK reader - Non-Periodic TxFIFO Empty Mask host only

Field NPTXFEMPMSK writer - Non-Periodic TxFIFO Empty Mask host only

Field OEPINTMSK reader - OUT Endpoints Interrupt Mask device only

Field OEPINTMSK writer - OUT Endpoints Interrupt Mask device only

Field OTGINTMSK reader - OTG Interrupt Mask host and device

Field OTGINTMSK writer - OTG Interrupt Mask host and device

Field PRTINTMSK reader - Host Port Interrupt Mask host only

Field PRTINTMSK writer - Host Port Interrupt Mask host only

Field PTXFEMPMSK reader - Periodic TxFIFO Empty Mask host only

Field PTXFEMPMSK writer - Periodic TxFIFO Empty Mask host only

Field RESETDETMSK reader - Reset detected Interrupt Mask device only

Field RESETDETMSK writer - Reset detected Interrupt Mask device only

Field RXFLVLMSK reader - Receive FIFO Non-Empty Mask host and device

Field RXFLVLMSK writer - Receive FIFO Non-Empty Mask host and device

Field SESSREQINTMSK reader - Session Request/New Session Detected Interrupt Mask host and device

Field SESSREQINTMSK writer - Session Request/New Session Detected Interrupt Mask host and device

Field SOFMSK reader - Start of Frame Mask host and device

Field SOFMSK writer - Start of Frame Mask host and device

Field USBRSTMSK reader - USB Reset Mask device only

Field USBRSTMSK writer - USB Reset Mask device only

Field USBSUSPMSK reader - USB Suspend Mask device only

Field USBSUSPMSK writer - USB Suspend Mask device only

Field WKUPINTMSK reader - Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected Interrupt Mask host and device

Field WKUPINTMSK writer - Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected Interrupt Mask host and device