Crate eeprom24x[][src]

This is a platform agnostic Rust driver for the 24x series serial EEPROM, based on the embedded-hal traits.

This driver allows you to:

  • Read a single byte from a memory address: read_byte
  • Read a byte array starting on a memory address: read_data
  • Read the current memory address (please read notes): read_current_address
  • Write a byte to a memory address: write_byte
  • Write a byte array (up to a memory page) to a memory address: write_page

Can be used at least with the devices AT24C32, AT24C64, AT24C128, AT24C256 and AT24C512.

The devices

These devices provides a number of bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read only memory (EEPROM) organized as a number of words of 8 bits each. The devices' cascadable feature allows up to 8 devices to share a common 2-wire bus. The devices are optimized for use in many industrial and commercial applications where low power and low voltage operation are essential.

Device Memory bits 8-bit words Page size Datasheet
24x32 32,768 4096 32 bytes AT24C32
24x64 65,536 8192 32 bytes AT24C64
24x128 131,072 16,384 64 bytes AT24C128
24x256 262,144 32,768 64 bytes AT24C256
24x512 524,288 65,536 128 bytes AT24C512

Usage examples (see also examples folder)

To create a new instance you can use the new_<device> methods. There are many compatible vendors so the method has a somewhat generic name.
For example, if you are using an AT24C32, you can create a device by calling Eeprom24x::new_24x32(...).
Please refer to the device table above for more examples.

Instantiating with the default address

Import this crate and an embedded_hal implementation, then instantiate the device:

extern crate linux_embedded_hal as hal;
extern crate eeprom24x;

use hal::{I2cdev};
use eeprom24x::{Eeprom24x, SlaveAddr};

let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let address = SlaveAddr::default();
// using the AT24C256
let mut eeprom = Eeprom24x::new_24x256(dev, address);

Providing an alternative address

extern crate linux_embedded_hal as hal;
extern crate eeprom24x;

use hal::{I2cdev};
use eeprom24x::{Eeprom24x, SlaveAddr};

let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let (a2, a1, a0) = (false, false, true);
let address = SlaveAddr::Alternative(a2, a1, a0);
let mut eeprom = Eeprom24x::new_24x256(dev, address);

Writting and reading a byte

extern crate linux_embedded_hal as hal;
extern crate eeprom24x;

use hal::{I2cdev};
use eeprom24x::{Eeprom24x, SlaveAddr};

let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let mut eeprom = Eeprom24x::new_24x256(dev, SlaveAddr::default());
let address = [0x12, 0x34];
let data = 0xAB;
eeprom.write_byte(&address, data);
// EEPROM enters internally-timed write cycle. Will not respond for some time.
let retrieved_data = eeprom.read_byte(&address);

Writting a page

extern crate linux_embedded_hal as hal;
extern crate eeprom24x;

use hal::{I2cdev};
use eeprom24x::{Eeprom24x, SlaveAddr};

let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap();
let mut eeprom = Eeprom24x::new_24x256(dev, SlaveAddr::default());
let address = [0x12, 0x34];
let data = [0xAB; 64];
eeprom.write_page(&address, &data);
// EEPROM enters internally-timed write cycle. Will not respond for some time.



Supported ICs (Integrated Circuits)



EEPROM24X driver



All possible errors in this crate


Possible slave addresses