Expand description

If serde turns your structs into markup files,

then edres turns your markup files into structs.

This crate has three main related functionalities:

  1. Generate a set of structs representing the contents of a single markup file.
  2. Generate an enum to represent the keys of a map in a single markup file (and optionally structs to represent the values).
  3. Generate an enum to represent the files of a directory (and optionally structs to represent the contents of those files).

The crate is mainly intended to be used in build.rs build scripts, but could also be used inside a proc-macro. (See the codegen module.)

To use this crate, make sure you enable at least one of the serde features to support the kinds of files you’re using:

  1. json
  2. toml
  3. yaml

There are two sets of functions provided at the top level: the create_ functions which will write a Rust source file, and the generate_ functions which simply return Rust code as a string.


Generating structs

This example takes a single config file and generates a struct that is compatible with it:

let my_file_content = "
title = \"My TOML file\"

value = 10

let generated_code = generate_structs_from_source(

assert_eq!(generated_code, quote!(
    pub struct MyStruct {
        pub title: std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>,
        pub my_table: MyStruct__my_table,

    pub struct MyStruct__my_table {
        pub value: i64,

Generating enums

This example takes a single config file and generates an enum for the keys of the file, and structs for the values:

let my_file_content = "
        name: First key
        name: Second key

let generated_code = generate_enum_from_source(
    &Options {
        enums: EnumOptions {
            values_struct: Some(ValuesStructOptions::minimal()),

assert_eq!(generated_code, quote!(
    pub enum MyEnum {

    pub struct MyEnum__Value {
        pub name: std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>,

Generating file enums

This example a directory full of JSON files and generates an enum variant for each file name, and a struct to represent the contents of them all.

/* Example JSON file:
    "name": "file1.json",
    "number": 1

let generated_code = generate_enum_from_filenames(
    &Options {
        enums: EnumOptions {
            values_struct: Some(ValuesStructOptions::minimal()),

assert_eq!(generated_code, quote!(
    pub enum MyFileEnum {

    pub struct MyFileEnum__Value {
        pub name: std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>,
        pub number: i32,


The purpose of this module is to convert generic Values to Rust structs and enums.
This module contains the structs for configuring the behaviour of the public APIs.
This module contains all of the utilities for parsing markup files.
Contains the Value type - a markup-agnostic generic value.


Options specific to how edres should generate enums.
Options specific to how edres should handle input files.
Contains the full set of options for all public APIs in this crate.
Options specific to how edres should handle its output.
Options specific to how edres should parse markup.
Options specific to how edres should generate structs.
Options specific to how edres should generate structs for values associated with enum variants.


An error type for errors while generating config struct modules.
Used to specify the default size of floating point values (providing they fit within the given size).
Represents an input markup format for a config file.
Used to specify the default size of integer values (providing they fit within the given size).
Options for serde support.


Create a Rust source file that defines an enum based on the map keys of the given markup file.
Create a Rust source file that defines an enum based on the file names within the given directory.
Create a Rust source file that defines an enum based on the map keys of the given markup source.
Create a Rust source file that defines a set of structs based on a given markup file.
Create a Rust source file that defines a set of structs based on the contents of the files in the given directory.
Create a Rust source file that defines a set of structs based on the given markup source.
Generate Rust code that defines an enum based on the map keys of the given markup file.
Generate Rust code that defines an enum based on the file names within the given directory.
Generate Rust code that defines an enum based on the map keys of the given markup source.
Generate Rust code that defines a set of structs based on a given markup file.
Generate Rust code that defines a set of structs based on the contents of the files in the given directory.
Generate Rust code that defines a set of structs based on the given markup source.