Crate edn_rs

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  • Edn type implementation
  • Serialization module for most possible types. Tuples are limited between (A, B) and (A, B, C, D, E, F), any other tuple needs to be implemented by the trait Serialize. This module requires #[macro_use] for structs.


  • Macro to parse EDN into Rust Spec
  • Creates a HashMap from a seq of $key => $value, hmap!{a => "b", c => "d"}
  • Creates a HashSet from a seq of $x, set!{1, 2, 3, 4}
  • Creates a BTreeMap from a seq of $key => $value, map!{a => "b", c => "d"}
  • Creates a BTreeSet from a seq of $x, set!{1, 2, 3, 4}


  • public trait to be used to Deserialize structs.


  • from_edn deserializes an EDN type into a T type that implements Deserialize. Response is Result<T, EdnError>
  • from_str deserializes an EDN String into type T that implements Deserialize. Response is Result<T, EdnError>
  • Function for converting Rust types into EDN Strings. For it to work, the type must implement the Serialize trait. Use #[derive(Serialize)] from edn-derive crate.