Crate ed25519_dalek_bip32_feeless[−][src]
A simple BIP32 implementation for ed25519 public keys. Although there exists another very good
library that does this, this library preserves 32 byte secret
keys and doesn’t allow for extended public keys or “normal” child indexes, so that it can be as
close to the BIP32 specifications as possible, allowing for compatibility with libraries like
pub extern crate derivation_path; |
pub extern crate ed25519_dalek; |
DerivationPath | A list of ChildIndex items |
ExtendedSecretKey | An expanded secret key with chain code and meta data |
PublicKey | An ed25519 public key. |
SecretKey | An EdDSA secret key. |
ChildIndex | An index in a DerivationPath |
Error | Errors thrown while deriving secret keys |
Type Definitions
Result | A convenience wrapper for a |