ec-gpu-gen 0.2.1

Code generator for field and eliptic curve operations on the GPUs failed to build ec-gpu-gen-0.2.1
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Visit the last successful build: ec-gpu-gen-0.7.1
CUDA/OpenCL code generator for finite-field arithmetic over prime fields and elliptic curve arithmetic constructed with Rust. There is also support for Fast Fourier Transform and Multiexponentiation. Feature flags ------------- There are several [feature flags] that can be combined in all possible ways. By default, all features are enabled. You can enable CUDA and/or OpenCL support with the `cuda` and the `opencl` features. Those can be combined with the `fft` and the `multiexp` feature. If one of them is enabled, a kernel with that functionality will be generated. If you only want to use the CPU version of FFT and/or multiexp you can do so by enabling the `fft` and/or `multiexp`, and disabling the `cuda` and `opencl` features. [feature flags]: