Crate easy_adds

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Easy Adds is a crate which provides simple rust for beginers and schools Rust is not an easy langage for beginers but with this crate they can do cool things without dificulty

For using this library writte this in the first line of your code

extern crate easy_adds;
use easy_adds::*;

Some usefull functions

// Generate a random number between 0 and 1
// NOTE: You can also use random_f32 which return a f32 number instead of a f64 number
// You can also generate a number between two numbers with:
// This function returns a i32 between the first and the second number (NOTE: The first number is included but not the second)
// Get an input form the user of the given type ex: input_i64("Type a number: ")
input_<Type>("Mesage to sended to the user")
// Here all the types supported: f32,f64,bool,i8,i16,i32,i64,u8,u16,u32,u64,string
// Note to make a string input: input("Mesage to sended to the user")
// You can also use the try_ statement to get an Option<Type> like:
try_input_<Type>("Mesage to sended to the user")
// This return an option of the given type an this is avaible for all types of the input expect String


This function take a String input from the user like input_str and input_string
This function take a bool input from the user and return an bool return false if there are an bad input
This function take a f32 input from the user and return an f32 but panic if bad input
This function take a f64 input from the user and return an f64 but panic if bad input
This function take a i8 input from the user and return an i8 but panic if bad input
This function take a i16 input from the user and return an i16 but panic if bad input
This function take a i32 input from the user and return an i32 but panic if bad input
This function take a i64 input from the user and return an i64 but panic if bad input
This function take a String input from the user like input and input_string
This function take a String input from the user like input and input_str
This function take a u8 input from the user and return an u8 but panic if bad input
This function take a u16 input from the user and return an u16 but panic if bad input
This function take a u32 input from the user and return an u32 but panic if bad input
This function take a u64 input from the user and return an u64 but panic if bad input
This function generate random i32 between i32 start and end Based on top of rand crate
This function generate random f32 between 0 and 1. Based on top of rand crate.
This function generate random f64 between 0 and 1. Based on top of rand crate.
This function take a bool input from the user and return an Option
This function take a f32 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a f64 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a i8 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a i16 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a i32 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a i64 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a u8 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a u16 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a u32 input from the user and return an Option
This function take a u64 input from the user and return an Option