Macro eager::eager_macro_rules[][src]

macro_rules! eager_macro_rules {
		$dollar1:tt $id_1:ident
			macro_rules! $macro_name:ident {
				$($rules:tt => $expansions:tt);* $(;)*
	) => { ... };

Declares eager!-enabled macros.


Wraps the usual macro_rules! syntax. First an identifier must be given, preceded by '$'. Then any number of macro declarations can be given using the usual macro_rules! syntax. Documentation and attributes are also given in the usual way just before each macro_rules!, i.e. inside eager_macro_rules!.

Some restrictions apply to the macro_rules! declarations:

  • The identifier given at the beginning must not collide with any macro variable name used in any rule in any macro to be declared.
  • No rules should accept @eager as the first token, as this could conflict with the implementation of eager!. Wildcards are acceptable, as eager_macro_rules! will automatically resolve the ambiguity with the eager! implementation.

eager!-enabling example

eager!-enabling the following macro:

/// Some documentation
macro_rules! some_macro{

is done by wrapping it in eager_macro_rules! as follows:

#[macro_use] extern crate eager;
eager_macro_rules!{ $eager_1
    /// Some documentation
    macro_rules! some_macro{

where ()=>{}; is the list of rules that comprise the macro, and no macro variable is called $eager_1.