Expand description

The Event computation synchronized with the event queue.


Additional operations.


The function application for the Event computation.

Allows constructing the Event computation by the specified function.

Allows delaying the Event computation by the specified function.

Enqueues the event which handler should be actuated at the specified time.

Enqueues the IO-based event which handler should be actuated at the specified time.

Enqueues the IO-based events which handlers should be actuated in the integration time points.

Enqueues the IO-based event which handler should be actuated at the specified time with the given priority.

Enqueues the events which handlers should be actuated in the integration time points.

Enqueues the event which handler should be actuated at the specified time with the given priority.

It represents the boxed Event computation.

A conversion into the Composite computation.

Allows converting to the Process computation.

A thin wrapper representaton of the Event action.

The monadic bind for the Event computation.

The functor for the Event computation.

Returns the current simulation time priority.

Allows creating the Event computation from a pure value.

Run the computation in the start time.

Run the computation in the stop time.

The sequence of computations.

The sequence of computations with ignored result.

Returns the current simulation time.

Trace the computation.

Enqueue the event which must be actuated with the current modeling time but later.

The zip of two Event computations.


The computation synchronized with the event queue.

Allows converting to Event computations.


Construct a new Event computation by the specified function.

Delay the Event computation.

Enqueue an event which handler should be activated at the specified time.

Enqueue an event which handler should be activated at the specified time with the given priority.

Enqueue events which handlers should be activated in the integration time points.

Enqueue an IO-based event which handler should be activated at the specified time.

Enqueue an IO-based event which handler should be activated at the specified time with the given priority.

Enqueue IO-based events which handlers should be activated in the integration time points.

Create a sequence of computations.

Create a sequence of computations, where the result is ignored.

Return the current modeling time priority.

Return a new Event computation by the specified pure value.

Return the current modeling time.

Trace the computation.

Enqueue the event which must be actuated with the current modeling time but later.