Module dvcompute::simulation::resource::stats[][src]

Expand description

The resources that gather its statistics.


Computation that creates a new Resource.

Release the resource.

Release the resource.

Request for the resource.

Request for the resource with priority.

Represents a simple resource that gathers its statistics.

Try to request for the resource immediately and return a flag indicating whether the resource was aquired.


Create a new FCFS (a.k.a FIFO) resource by the specified initial count that becomes the capacity as well.

Create a new FCFS (a.k.a FIFO) resource by the specified initial count and optional maximum count, i.e. capacity.

Create a new LCFS (a.k.a LIFO) resource by the specified initial count that becomes the capacity as well.

Create a new LCFS (a.k.a LIFO) resource by the specified initial count and optional maximum count, i.e. capacity.

Release the resource within Process computation.

Release the resource within Event computation.

Request for the resource within Process computation.

Request for the resource within Process computation with the specified priority.

Try to request for the resource immediately and return a flag indicating whether the resource was aquired.

Type Definitions

The Resource based on using the FCFS (a.k.a. FIFO) strategy (First Come - First Served).

The Resource based on using the LCFS (a.k.a. LIFO) strategy (Last Come - First Served).