Expand description

Encryption and decryption implementation over a Poseidon cipher

Dusk-Poseidon Cipher

Encryption/decryption implementation with Dusk-Poseidon backend.

This implementation is optimized for a message containing 2 scalars.

Shared secret

The shared secret is a point on the JubJub curve on the affine form.

This implementation does not cover the shared secret derivation strategy.

The suggestion is to use a Diffie-Hellman key exchange, as shown in the example. Check dusk-jubjub for further reference.


use core::ops::Mul;
use dusk_bls12_381::BlsScalar;
use dusk_jubjub::{dhke, JubJubExtended, JubJubScalar, GENERATOR};
use dusk_poseidon::cipher::PoseidonCipher;
use rand_core::OsRng;

fn sender(
    sender_secret: &JubJubScalar,
    receiver_public: &JubJubExtended,
    message: &[BlsScalar],
) -> (PoseidonCipher, BlsScalar) {
    // Use the Diffie-Hellman protocol to generate a shared secret
    let shared_secret = dhke(sender_secret, receiver_public);

    // Generate a random nonce that will be public
    let nonce = BlsScalar::random(&mut OsRng);

    // Encrypt the message
    let cipher = PoseidonCipher::encrypt(&message, &shared_secret, &nonce);

    (cipher, nonce)

fn receiver(
    receiver_secret: &JubJubScalar,
    sender_public: &JubJubExtended,
    cipher: &PoseidonCipher,
    nonce: &BlsScalar,
) -> [BlsScalar; PoseidonCipher::capacity()] {
    // Use the Diffie-Hellman protocol to generate a shared secret
    let shared_secret = dhke(receiver_secret, sender_public);

    // Decrypt the message
        .decrypt(&shared_secret, &nonce)
        .expect("Failed to decrypt!")

let mut rng = OsRng;

// Generate a secret and a public key for Bob
let bob_secret = JubJubScalar::random(&mut rng);
let bob_public = GENERATOR.to_niels().mul(&bob_secret);

// Generate a secret and a public key for Alice
let alice_secret = JubJubScalar::random(&mut rng);
let alice_public = GENERATOR.to_niels().mul(&alice_secret);

// Generate a secret message
let a = BlsScalar::random(&mut rng);
let b = BlsScalar::random(&mut rng);
let message = [a, b];

// Bob's view (sender)
// The cipher and nonce are safe to be broadcasted publicly
let (cipher, nonce) = sender(&bob_secret, &alice_public, &message);

// Alice's view (receiver)
let decrypted_message = receiver(&alice_secret, &bob_public, &cipher, &nonce);

// Successful communication
assert_eq!(decrypted_message, message);


Encapsulates an encrypted data


Given a shared secret calculated using any key protocol compatible with bls and jubjub, perform the decryption of the cipher.

Given a shared secret calculated using any key protocol compatible with bls and jubjub, perform the encryption of the message.