Module dusk_plonk::prelude

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Collection of functions needed to use plonk library.

Use this as the only import that you need to interact with the principal data structures of the plonk library.


  • Represents an element of the scalar field $\mathbb{F}_q$ of the BLS12-381 elliptic curve construction.
  • Generate the arguments to prove and verify a circuit
  • Construct and prove circuits
  • Constraint representation containing the coefficients of a polynomial evaluation
  • A Proof is a composition of Commitments to the Witness, Permutation, Quotient, Shifted and Opening polynomials as well as the ProofEvaluations.
  • Turbo Prover with processed keys
  • The Public Parameters can also be referred to as the Structured Reference String (SRS). It is available to both the prover and verifier and allows the verifier to efficiently verify and make claims about polynomials up to and including a configured degree.
  • Verify proofs of a given circuit
  • Allocated witness in the constraint system.
  • Represents a JubJub point in the circuit


  • Defines all possible errors that can be encountered in PLONK.


  • Circuit implementation that can be proved by a Composer

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