Macro dudect_bencher::ctbench_main_with_seeds [] [src]

macro_rules! ctbench_main_with_seeds {
    ($(($function:path, $seed:expr)),+) => { ... };

Defines a fn main() that will run all benchmarks defined by listed functions $function and their associated seeds (if present). Seeds are represented as Option<[u32; 4]>. If None is given, a random seed will be used. The seeds are used to seed the BenchRng that's passed to each function.

extern crate dudect_bencher;
extern crate rand;

use rand::Rng;
use dudect_bencher::{BenchRng, Class, CtRunner};

fn foo(runner: &mut CtRunner, rng: &mut BenchRng) {
    println!("first u64 is {}", rng.next_u64());

    // Run something so we don't get a panic
    runner.run_one(Class::Left, || 0);
    runner.run_one(Class::Right, || 0);

fn bar(runner: &mut CtRunner, rng: &mut BenchRng) {
    println!("first u64 is {}", rng.next_u64());

    // Run something so we don't get a panic
    runner.run_one(Class::Left, || 0);
    runner.run_one(Class::Right, || 0);

    (foo, None),
    (bar, Some([0x6b6c816d, 0x395d3f8e, 0x798e4828, 0xfbb23c0f]))